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Requested by emmi-juu! Thank you for your request.


"Katsuki watch out for the rocks!" A high pitched voice yelled, grabbing the hem of Katsuki's shirt and yanking him backwards as rocks from the cliff fell down in front of them. 

"I got it Deku, focus on your own damn battle!" The other exclaimed at his partner, turning his head to glance at Midoriya before giving his attention back to the villain in front of him.

At the moment Bakugo and Midoriya were at a village on the outskirts of the city. Yeah it was a bit of a remote area, but it was still close enough to where heroes could be called in to help them in case of a villain attack. And that was exactly what was happening right now. The village was very close to a mountain of sorts, and the villains were using giant rocks and boulders to throw down at the village in hopes of destroying it. Why, no one knows. But that didn't really matter. All that really mattered was that people were in danger, and that's all that was needed to know for heroes to show up. This time the heroes were Midoriya and Bakugo.

Midoriya glared slightly as his companion and sighed, but he did as he was told anyways and focused on his own opponent. It was at that moment he noticed a small child down towards the bottom of the mountain who was in the way of some falling rocks. "Kid watch out!" The young hero screamed at the child, activating his quick and focusing it on his feet as he dashed forward towards the young girl. Though Deku quickly realized that he wouldn't be able to reach the girl in time, so he went with the best next thing. Breaking the rock into hundred's of pieces. Yep, that seemed to do the trick. 

Midoriya grabbed the kid and jumped down to be on solid ground, but in a safer area. "Are you alright?" He asked her. "What's your name sweetheart?"

"I-I'm alright...thank you mister. My name is June." The young girl said, looking towards her village. "My p-parents! Please save them too mister hero sir!" June exclaimed, tears brimming in her eyes. The pain, worry, and anxiety was clear in her voice as she pleaded. 

"I swear I will do everything I can June. Just please stay here where it's safe." The hero told June, racing off to catch up with Katsuki. 

"How's everything going over here?" Deku asked

"Not great. The villains have all been defeated, but the damned medical support was delayed. And there are some people under rocks. I don't think all of them will make it."  Katsuki said with a sigh, leading Deku over to the damaged area. "And it's not like I can just blast the rocks away, I would most likely hurt the people underneath it."

"I mean, I guess I could use my quirk in my hands and try to lift the rocks while you pull the people out." 

"Yeah, I guess it's worth a shot. Let's get the youngest people out first." Katsuki said with a deep frown. "It's not the best solution. But it's better than nothing." 

Deku nodded in a agreement as the two of them began to rescue whoever they could. But they knew that some would unfortunately not make it. No matter how fast they moved. 

*A little while later*

After some time the medical support finally arrived. However, the two heroes couldn't save as many people as they had wished. Midoriya did the best he could, he really did. But his arms...they hurt so badly. And he was completely exhausted. But he kept going. He went as far and as long as he could until the support came and handled the rest. It was then that he remembered something.


"It's May you idiot." The voice of Katsuki said behind him. 

"What? No not the month! The kid!" Deku exclaimed, running off to try and find the young girl. 

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