Jackal X Melissa (OC)

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Requested by : BaeBTwice143

OC Information:

Name: Melissa, goes by Mimi
Power: Moon Demon Dragon Slayer
Race: She wolf/Human 


                      Melissa's POV

I sighed softly as I sat down for a minute in the woods, taking a moment to just breathe and rest by feet for a moment. I had been walking aimlessly for a while now, not really having a destination. Just enjoying a walk as it was a nice day out and I was bored. I was always bored. Nothing really exciting has happened in my life. Well, maybe that's a good thing. I don't exactly want to cause too much attention to myself. You see, I have a unique power that a lot of people want for different reasons. None of them good. Some wanted it to take over guilds, some wanted it to rule over others, some wanted it to just absorb for themselves. Either way, not something I'd like to happen.  I mainly just avoid them as much as I can. Light guilds have wanted me to join them before, to keep me safe, but I don't exactly like the guild life. I don't exactly know why, a guild just isn't for me.

Anyways back to the present. Time to keep going. 

I got up off of the ground, deciding to continue walking for a little while longer before setting up camp somewhere. As I took a few steps forward, an explosion suddenly went off barely a few inches away from my foot. I yelped slightly and jumped back, knowing I was under attack and it didn't seem like it was from a light guild. 

Well shit. 

I looked around to see who was attacking me, seeing a man standing it a tree not too far away from me. He was blonde, and had ears and a tail just like me. But his was yellow/blonde and not very wolf-like. 

Either way he was hot. I'd let someone like that kidnap me any day. Better then some other guy who's ugly. Could be worse. I don't think I really have a choice in the matter anyway as I saw some light-like orbs on my body. I didn't realize they would explode until I was already passed out. 

                  Jackal's POV

Well that was easier then I thought it would be. I was told this chick was supposed to be dangerous and skilled. But that didn't seem to be the case. Or she was just caught off guard or something? I'm not sure. Either way, mission success. I went over to the unconscious girl, Melissa I think is the name I was given, and picked her up. She was pretty light for someone her age, but eh. Guess when you don't have a guild or a real home that's to be expected. I wrapped her wrists in chains that won't allow her to use her magic, just in case she wakes up. I know she has some special power, but I don't know the strength of it so better safe then sorry. 

I simply threw the girl over my shoulder as I walked back to base. I'm expecting her to wake up sometime during the walk since it's a pretty long one. Oh well. Not like she can go anywhere, I just hope she's not some annoying whiny baby. 

About an hour or so later I felt her start to shift around on my shoulder, hearing her groan slightly from pain. Well that's great, we still have over an hour to walk together. I mean, I could just knock her out again if she actually causes trouble.

"Put me down I can walk myself."

I barely heard it since her voice was so soft, but I did hear it. "And why would I do that? I'm kidnapping you and you think I'm just gonna put you down and possibly let you free?"

I heard a sigh and a small hit on my back. "And where exactly do you think I'm gonna go? You think I can fight back with chains? What exactly can I do?" Her voice was a bit louder then before, obviously agitated for good reasons.

As much as I hated to admit it, she did make a pretty good case for herself. As I was considering it, I felt another hit on my back. 

Then another. 

Then another.

Then another. 

"Would you stop?!" 

"When you put me down."

Another hit.

"Oh my fuck fine!" I yelled, throwing her on the ground. "There now stop being annoying already." 

She shrugged and got up, dusting herself off as she just smiled at me. 

Why the hell is she smiling?! I just kidnapped her and she's smiling at me? This chick's weird...

"Whatever...lets just go." I said and started walking again, the girl right behind me. 

After another hour of walking, we finally got to base and got Melissa, I found out I was right about her name, in a cell. I needed to talk to her. I wanted to know why she was so willing to come with me.

I walked over to her cell, leaning against the wall in front of it and looked inside. "Hey. I have a question."

           3rd Person POV

Melissa looked up and saw the man from earlier leaning against the wall in front of my cell. He wanted to know something, I can already guess what it is. 

"I'm guessing you want to know why I'm here." She said and stood up, walking towards the cell and holding the bars. "I came here so easily simply because I'm bored. Everyday is the same, might as well add some spice into it. Plus you're good looking so that's just an added bonus to being here."

Jackal was a bit stunned for a second, not expecting the blunt answer. Though he soon laughed softly, shaking his head. "You're an interesting one huh? Well I can respect your first reason. Who wants a boring life when there's so much excitement in the world? I guess I can respect your second reason too, considering you're not wrong." He said and smirked. 

"You're a cocky one huh?" Melissa said, copying Jackal's tone and wording. The two laughed a bit before Melissa bit her lip softly and looked at Jackal. "You, know I don't think I'm gonna regret being here."

Jackal returned the eye contact, smiling a bit at her. "Yeah, definitely not gonna be boring anymore that's for damn sure."

Over time, Melissa became much more then a prisoner. She became a member of the guild. She became strong. She became feared by others. And most importantly, she became the girlfriend of the attractive man who started it all.  

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