Laxus X Reader x Freed

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(Requested by KaliHollman)

                                                            *Y/N POV*

I walked into the guild hall to find that there was a massive fight going on, and tables were flying everywhere. So the basicaly the usual. I went to go sit with my team the Thunder Legion. And yes I'm in the Thunder Legion. I love being in that team. When they attacked Fairy Tail I was on a mission. When I got back and found out what they did, let's just say that they are now afraid of me.  The only bad thing is that Laxus and Freed both like me! I have no idea what to do so tomorrow I'm going to get help from the matchmaker of Fairy Tail, Mirajane. When I got to my team I sat down and talked with Evergreen like I usually do. I could sense Laxus and Freed sending glares at each other. It kind of surprised me since Freed usually follows Laxus's every command.

                                                                 *Next day*

I walked up to the bar to get help form Mira.

"Hey Mira?" I asked.

"Hey y/n what can I do for you?"

"I need help."

"Let me guess, it's Laxus and Freed right?"

"Ya how'd you know?" I asked.

She giggled. "Well it's pretty obvious that they both like you, so...."

I laughed with her. "Ya I guess it is. Anyway, what do I do?"

"Hmm...." She thought for a moment.

"Oh I know!" She exclaimed happily.

I tilted my head in confusion.

"Ok, so say the first thing that pops into your head ok?"

I nodded.

"Pink or Black?"


"Apples or Oranges?"


"Who do you love?"

"(Boy of choice?)

She smirked. While my mouth was hanging open.

"Why don't you go give (boy of choice) the good news."

I nodded and got up to go to the Thunder Legion's table.

"Hey (boy of choice), can I talk to you for a sec?"

He nodded and got up, and we walked out.

                                                                    *Freed's ending*

"What did you want to talk about?"

"I've been thinking, and with some help from Mira, I know who I love."

He looked a little surprised but nodded, telling me to continue.

"I love you Freed"

I could tell he was shocked, but put his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. Hugging me tightly, as if afraid I would leave.

"You have no idea how happy I am." He said, and by the tone in his voice, I knew he meant it.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around him in return.

"I thought you would've chosen Laxus since he's so much better than me."

I frowned and looked him in the eye.

"He's not to me. I love YOU! Get that through you're head already."

He laughed and rested his hands on my hips.

"I love you so much y/n" He said and rested his head on mine.

"I love you to Freed." I said a leaned in a little and kissed him.

                                                                  *Laxus's ending*

"What'd you need y/n?"

"I talked with Mira, and I know who I choose."

He tensed a little, but motioned me to keep going.

"I choose you Laxus."

He smiled and hugged me tight.

"I love you y/n" He said

I smiled as well. "I love you to Laxus."

He backed up some so that he could lean down and connect our lips in a sweet kiss.

"I guess I'll have to thank Mira later huh?" He said once we broke apart.

I giggled. "I guess both of us will."

We both smiled and kissed again.

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