Edo. Lucy X Tomboy Reader X Lucy

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(I might have to change the story line just a little bit so that the characters fit more into this  story.) 

Requested by cronaxmaka2001

The fairy tail members had just arrived in Edolas, and were almost to the Edolas Fairy Tail guild hall. 

Once they walked in, they saw everyone from their guild, but acted opposite to the ones from Earthland.

 Cana was ladylike, Gray actually wore clothes, and was obsessed with Juvia, while Juvia was ignoring him, Wendy was hot and grown up, and Alzac and Bisca were all lovey-dovey to each other! Then there was Lucy, the most intimidating of all in the guild.

 Y/n looked between the Edolas guild members, and the Earthland guild members with curiosity. She wondered how they will react to each other.  Edo Lucy just glared at all of them.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" She asked sternly.

"We are the different versions of you from another world!" Natsu said enthusiastically.

"Huh?" She asked dumbfound. 

Erza hit Natsu upside the head. "Sorry about him. Anyway this is what happened...."

                        *Time Skip*

"Oh I see now." Cana said.

"What makes you think that WE are your other versions?" Edo. Lucy asked. "Maybe YOU'RE the other versions of US." She said.

"She has a point you know." A h/c girl said, who had been leaning against the wall, quiet the whole time.

"Huh? What do you mean Y/n?" Erza asked.

"I mean that this IS THEIR world. If they had came to our world, we probably would've said the same thing." She said and shrugged.

Edo Lucy smirked. She went to Y/n and wrapped one arm around her shoulder. "See, at least this girl has some common sense. I think that you and me are going to get along just fine." She said, smirking at Lucy who was glaring at her. 

Y/n saw the glare between the two. "Are you guys ok? Why are you glaring at each other?"

"Nothing." They both answered innocently. 

"Uh-hu, sure..." She said questioningly.

"Hey Y/n, I saw a really cool shop on the way here. Wanna go with me?" Normal Lucy asked. 

"You know that I'm not into that girly stuff Lucy."  She said.

Edo Lucy chuckled at her opposites failure. "I know a really cool meadow that no one ever goes to. We could battle there." Edo Lucy asked. 

Since Y/n was a tomboy, Lucy figured that she would love to battle and wouldn't care about getting her clothed messed up.

Y/n smirked. "You're on." She said.

Edo Lucy smirked at the other Lucy, saying that she had won this round. 

But it wasn't over yet.

                       *Time Skip*

It had been about 2 days since they arrived. While they were waiting for a way to go home, some members took requests to help the Edo guild out some. (They so have requests in Edolas right?)

Even more so, the two Lucy's had now started to fight almost everyday over Y/n. Today was no different with the two blondes yelling about who Y/n liked more. 

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Y/n yelled.

They almost instantly stopped fighting.


Y/n went to the request board, and picked out a job and headed for the doors. "When I come back I expect things to be different." She said and walked out of the guild.

             *3rd Person POV*

Both Lucy's looked down in shame. They both realized that they had just messed everything up, and that Y/n was right. 

Then an idea popped into both of their heads. They looked at each other and nodded. They were going to get Y/n back no matter what.

The next day Y/n walked into the guild, expecting to have another fight between the Lucy's going on again. But instead, there was a huge sign that said "WERE'RE SORRY!" On it.

Y/n felt two arms wrap around her waist. She turned around to see both Edo Lucy, and Normal Lucy looking at her with sad eyes. "We are really sorry for what we did." They both said.

"It's ok, I guess." Y/n said.

"We did come to an agreement though." 

"Hm? What is is."  y/n asked.

"We decided to share you." Edo Lucy said. 

"Yep. Even if it's just as friends, we still want you in our lives." Lucy said.

"Also, when you guys have to back to your world, Gajeel found a spell that allowed people to travel to different worlds. So you can keep in touch with me and the rest of us, even if your a world away." Edo Lucy said and smiled.

"That's awesome! And I can agree with that. Thank you guys." Y/n said and hugged both of them.

They hugged back. "Anything for our love."  They said. 

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