Romeo X Reader

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Requested by: lizzy-chan1o1.  Thx for requesting :)

"Come on Romeo. Just man up and talk to her." Natsu said to Romeo, who was staring at Y/n from across the guild hall.

"You sound like Elfman Natsu." Romeo said to his role model. Trying to get out of the conversation.

"HEY! NO I DON'T!" Natsu yelled.

"Geez, could you be any louder pyro?" Gray said entering the chat.  

"What'd you say ice princess?!" Natsu said and stalked to Gray as they started a fight.

"At least I got of having to talk about Y/n." He thought to himself. "But they are right. I do need to man up some. Maybe I could ask her to go on a mission! Ya, just a simple mission. That'll work!" He thought happily as he walked to Y/n.

Natsu and Gray stopped fighting, surprisingly, to watch the young boy, finally, talk to his crush.

"Hey Y/n?" Romeo asked her shyly.

Y/n smiled at the boy. "Hi Romeo! Need something?"

"Uh..." Romeo became flustered. "Well...I was wondering if you would possibly go on a mission with me. I-I mean you don't have to if your busy or something! Or-"

He got cut off by the young mage.

"Sure! When and where?" She asked.

Romeo was surprised to say the least, but not unhappy about it. "I actually haven't picked one out yet. I hoped that you would come with me so that we could both agree on it." 

"Ok!" She exclaimed happily.

She grabbed his hand and dragged him to the request board, while he was blushing from the contact which was their hands.

          *Time Skip*

"So how strong is this thief supposed to be?" Y/n asked Romeo as they were looking for said thief.  

They had both agreed on a job that was only one town over, it was a simple job to find a necklace that had been stolen by a thief. The necklace had apparently been in their family for almost a century, and was worth more to them then their own lives. The job payed $500,000 jewels, so that meant $250,000 for each which wasn't bad at all for two kids. 

"Not very. I think that he uses illusion magic." He said. 

"Well you would be correct." A voice said from above.

They both looked up to see a man with long red hair, with black eyes above them. "But I also use wind magic." He said and blasted a gust of wind at Y/n.

The force of the impact sent her flying. Luckily, Romeo caught her before she hit the ground or a building. Either way, it could've been disastrous for such a young girl like Y/n. Fortunately, she was just knocked out from the high pressure of the wind thrown at her.

Romeo was beyond mad that she was hurt, and beat the thief to a bloody pulp. He quickly got the necklace, and returned it back to the requester who was very grateful for their help. 

He rushed Y/n back to the guild as fast as he could. They put her in the infirmary, and Wendy said that all we could do is wait for her to wake up.

Romeo sat by Y/n's bed holding her hand. "I'm so sorry." He whispered.

"Hey, why are YOU sorry. I'm the one who messed up the mission." A familiar voice said. 

"Y/N!" Romeo yelled.

Y/n giggled. "Ya. I'm right here, no need to be so loud, mini Natsu." She said and smiled at him.

Romeo laughed. That was one thing that Y/n always was able to make him do, no matter how sad he was,

"I'm sorry Y/n. I should've protected you. Sorry." Romeo said and looked down.

"What do you mean Romeo? It's not your fault." She said to him.

"Yes it is! I'm the one who suggested that we go on a mission in the first place! If I hadn't, you might not be-"

He once again got cut off by Y/n, Only this time, it was by her lips. She kissed him.

"It's not your fault ok? Stop being sad, it makes me sad when your sad. Now cuddle with me." She demanded and held out her arms.

Romeo's face went from surprised, to happy, as he granted her request as he got in the bed with her and they cuddled.

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