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Bruh I fucking love Stingue. It is my OTP and I'm just obsessed with it at the moment. I might make a Singue One Shot book? I don't know yet I feel like I have too many books I haven't even updated and I shouldn't add another one.

Sting smirked as he caught eyes with Rogue from across the guild, seeing his partner blush and look away. It was so obvious that Rogue had feelings for Sting, but the shadow mage was in complete denial. Refusing to believe that he could love another guy, let alone his best friend. That just wasn't possible in Rogue's mind. 

But Sting knew otherwise. He payed attention. He payed attention to Rogue's blushing. To how he never wanted to make eye contact. To how he always tried not to look at Sting's abs that were almost on display. 

Sting knew Rogue was in love with him. And he was in love with Rogue. All that stood in the way was convincing his friend and getting him to confess. 

But that would be much easier said then done. Rogue was not one to talk about feelings or show them very often. Let alone confess them. Sting wasn't even sure Rogue was aware of his own feelings yet.

Sting sat in his office, his chin on the palm of his hands as his elbows rested on the desk. "How the hell am I gonna make this happen?" He asked himself, biting his lip as he thought about different strategies. "Manipulating Rogue is basically impossible...if I'm too forceful he'll run off...but if I just ask him then he'll lie." Sting groaned as he leaned back in his chair with his hands over his eyes. "Why do you have to be so complicated?" The master asked himself in a whisper, letting out a sigh in frustration. 

"What are you whining about now?" Asked a new, deeper voice.

"What the fu-?"Sting jumped, his head and posture immediately straightening out as he looked at the person in his office. 

Rogue. Of fucking course.

"Hahaha hey Rogue what's up? You didn't happen to hear any of that did you?" Sting asked with a nervous laugh. 

"Um, no not really. Just something about someone being complicated." Rogue told his partner, closing the office door behind him. 

"Oh, okay good. Anyways, did you need something?" Sting asked, becoming a bit more relaxed since it was just Rogue. But still. He couldn't help not looking over Rogue's body, his face, everything about him was just perfect. 

"I was just coming in here to check on your progress." Rogue said, his eyes narrowing at the almost untouched pile of paperwork on Sting's desk. "Why haven't you done any of it? You know what will happen if you don't get it done by the end of this week."

"I know Rogue, I know." Sting sighed, resting his cheek on the palm of his hand as he looked at Rogue. "I've just had some things on my mind. That's all."

"I see. Well, what type of things have you been thinking? Anything I can help with?" The shadow dragon asked, his eyes moving to look at Sting. As Rogue made eye contact with Sting, he couldn't control the redness that formed on his ears. It was subtle. But it was there. And Sting noticed. 

Now there's an idea. 

Sting stood up with a smirk on his face with a newfound sense of determination. 

"Actually, there is something you can help me with Rogue~" Sting purred, walking closer and closer to his friend. 

Rogue's eyes widened the tiniest bit as he watched Sting's body come closer, his own form retreating slowly. 

"Oh, it's simple really." Sting hummed, his smirk only widening. Rogue on the other hand let out a quiet gasp as he felt his back hit the door. "Just tell me that you're in love with me."

"W-what did you just say?" Rogue asked, his body back against the door as his eyes were wide open. "That's crazy! You don't know what you're talking about Sting. Now back up."

"I'm done playing these games Rogue." Sting growled, slightly hovering over Rogue's figure as he stared down at him. "Just admit it. I see the way you blush. I see how your eyes linger over me a little too long to be considered glancing. There isn't any denying it Rogue. So just confess." Sting whispered, leaning down a little bit. Sting's teeth grazed the tip of Rogue's ear, nibbling on it slightly.  He had to hold back a laugh as he felt Rogue's ear heat up. 

"You don't know what you're talking about Sting! I won't tell you again, shut up and back off!" Rogue exclaimed, pushing his hands against Sting's chest. 

"Ya know, for some reason I just don't believe you." Sting told his partner, one of his hands placing itself next to Rogue's head and the other hand going to hold the wrist of the hand on his chest. "Why are you so reluctant on telling me? It's not that hard Rogue, just say it." 

When Rogue didn't respond Sting growled lowly and moved a bit lower, his lips pressing against Rogue's neck. Rogue let out a small whine, biting his lip as he felt Sting's tongue glide across his neck. "I know you're enjoying this Rogue. You can't tell me any differently." Sting whispered against Rogue's neck. "So how 'bout it? You gonna tell me yet?" 

Rogue groaned softly as his hands clutched the fabric of Sting's shirt. "S-Sting knock it off..." He mumbled, his resolve slowly breaking. 

Rogue knew what he felt. He knew he was in love with Sting, but he refused to act on it. Imagine it. The twin dragons of Sabertooth in a relationship. People would freak the fuck out. Rogue never even came out as someone who liked men, and neither did Sting. In fact, Rogue could've sword his friend was straight. But the situation he was currently in showed differently. There's no way Sting would ever go this far just to prove a point. He wouldn't mess with someone's feelings like this if he didn't have any of his own. Right...? No. Rogue knew Sting would't do that. 

"Sting..." Rogue whispered, one of his hands reaching up to curl itself around the back of Sting's neck. 

"Yes Rogue?" Sting asked cockily, leaning back to actually look at Rogue. 

"Don't act cocky Sting." Rogue grumbled, looking up at Sting to make eye contact. "I think I may have some feelings towards you." He said softly, immediately looking back down. 

"Think? That mark on your neck proves otherwise Rogue." Sting smirked, licking his lips.

"Okay! I'm fucking in love with you Sting!" Rogue exclaimed as a blush formed on his cheeks. 

"There, was that so hard?" Sting asked cheekily, a grin forming on his face. 

"Oh shut the hell up Sti-" Rogue's bitterness was cut short by a soft pair of lips pressing against his. Sting moved his hands to his partner's waist, holding him closer as they kissed. Rogue's surprise eventually faded as he melted into the kiss, holding Sting's shoulders. 

"Wait, why didn't you just confess to me first and then have me reciprocate my feelings then?" Rogue asked, narrowing his eyes at Sting. "Wouldn't that have been a lot easier?"

"Well, uh-" Sting blinked, honestly not have thought of that plan. Guess he really overthought the whole thing. "Well where's the fun in that?" He asked and grinned. 

"Uh huh...idiot." Rogue said and sighed, shaking his head as he looked at Sting. 

"Yeah, but hey, it worked in the end didn't it?" Sting asked and smiled happily, pecking Rogue's cheek. 

"Whatever. Just finish your damn work." Rogue mumbled, easily growing shy due to the affection. 

"Only if you promise to come back to my office when I'm done~" 

"I feel like I shouldn't agree to this...." Rogue said, narrowing his eyes at Sting. 

"Either that or my work doesn't get done."

Rogue glared at his partner...boyfriend...?  "You realize that work is for the well-being of your guild right?"

"Yeah. And your presence is for the well-being of my mental health, which is also for the well-being of the guild." 

Rogue thought for a moment, trying to come up with a response. But how do you really respond to that? "Got me there...fine. I'll come by your office when you finish all your work. And I mean all of it."

Sting grinned in victory, giving Rogue's lips a small kiss. "That's enough motivation for me." 

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