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(Don't judge me for this, but I ship Natsu and Gray. So here we go!)

P.S. sorry if you don't like this ship, so if you don't then you don't have to read it! It is Boy X Boy!)

It was like any other normal day in the guild.  Cana was chugging down barrels of alcohol, Erza was eating her cake, Elfman saying he's a man, and Mira was serving the members. 

"WHAT'D YOU CALL ME POPSICLE?!" A voice roared through the guild.

"I CALLED YOU AN IDIOT! GOT A PROBLEM?!" Another one said.

Everyone in the guild sighed, as they already knew exactly who these people were.

Natsu and Gray.

Who else would be so loud and annoying?


"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!?" He yelled back.

Gray sighed. "You really are an idiot." He said and walked out. 

"Gray?" Natsu questioned to himself.

Erza came and hit him upside the head.

"Hey what was that for!?" Natsu exclaimed.

"Go after him." She simply said.

"What? Why?" He asked.

"Just do it Natsu!" She yelled at him.

He yelped and ran out the guild doors.

 "I have to find him." Natsu thought. 

*Back at the Guild*

Lucy came up to Erza and sighed. 

"You think that he will figure it out?" She asked her.

"I hope so." Erza responded and looked at the doors. "I really do."

        *Back to Natsu*

         *3rd POV*

Natsu kept running around town, and couldn't find the ice mage anywhere.

"Come on where is he?" He wondered.

Suddenly an idea popped into his head. "OF COURSE!!!" He yelled, getting a lot of stares from the people. But Natsu couldn't care less as he ran off. 

His assumption was correct, as he found Gray sitting by a lake.

"I finally found you." Natsu said and sat down next to him.

Gray jumped, but then sighed. "I'm not in the mood for a fight Natsu."  He said.

Natsu shook his head. "I didn't come here for a fight."

Gray looked at him confused. "Then why would you?"

"Because, even if we don't get along sometimes, we're still team and guild mates." Natsu said and smiled.

Gray was taken aback at first, but then smiled lightly and nodded his head. "Yea."

"So why did you run off earlier?" Natsu asked. 

Gray sighed again. "I was tired of fighting with you. It's all we really ever do."

"Oh." Natsu said. "Then why do we always fight then?" 

"I don't know." Gray said. "Cause I want to hide my true feelings." He thought.

"Yes you do Gray. I know you a lot better than you think I do." Natsu said and moved closer to him. "Why are you lying?"

Gray blushed slightly. "I-I'm not lying!" 

Natsu laughed. "Yes you are Gray. I've known you since I was a kid. Yes we fight, but I like to think that we are friends." 

Gray was surprised at this. "Of course we are." He said. "Even if I want to be more." He mumbled.

Natsu heard this because of his dragon hearing and smirked.

"You should really be more careful of what you say around a dragon slayer." Natsu said.

Gray's eyes widened realizing his mistake. "Crap!" He exclaimed. 

Natsu laughed and kissed him lightly. 

"Don't worry. The feeling's mutual." He said.

Gray blushed a bit, but smiled. 

A true, real smiled.

"It's about time that you guys realized it!" A voice said.

They both jumped and turned around to see Erza.

Natsu and Gray both blushed. 

"Glad you guys came to realization. Congrats." She said and walked away.

They both just looked at each other and smiled.

"I guess we did come to a realization huh?" Natsu said.

Gray nodded. "Yea, and I'm glad for it." He said and kissed him again.

Natsu mentally agreed as he kissed his new boyfriend.

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