PantherLily X Exceed OC PT 2.

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It's been a while since the pair had gotten back, and they had both grown close to Gajeel and Pantherlily. Lily and Gajeel had grown equally close to the dragon slayer and exceed, they even developed feeling for them. Now it was time to confess, because now, it was dragon mating season. If a dragon slayer doesn't have a mate when the season starts, they will be very sad and depressed. But, dragons mate for life. Gajeel had his eyes set on Luna, but was to scared to actually do anything about it. But, since Shimmer knows Luna very well, she knows that Luna likes him  in return. So, Shimmer and Lily got together to devise a plan to get the two together. 

"So we good on the plan?" Shimmer asked her fellow exceed.

"Ya." Lily responded.

"Good. Now let's do this." She said and smirked.

He returned the smirk. "Lets."

                                     *Time Skip*

"SHIMMER PUT ME DOWN!!" Luna screamed at her friend.

Shimmer was currently flying while holding Luna (much to her dislike.) She was flying to the place where her and Lily had planned.

"No, now be patient. Were almost there." She said while Luna pouted.

Once they got there, they saw Lily there holding Gajeel.

"Nice job Lily"  Shimmer thought.

Both exceeds dropped their dragon slayers.

"Now that you're both alone..." Lily started.

"CONFESS" They both shouted and flew off. Leaving two blushing and confused dragon slayers.

"Haha!" The pair of exceeds were laughing in the guild, which wasn't to far from where they left the slayers.

"Did you see their faces when we left. HAHA!" Shimmer laughed.

He chuckled. "Ya, it was quite funny. But you know something?"

"Hmm? What?" Shimmer asked very interested on what he was about to say.

"Gajeel isn't the only one whose developed feelings these past few weeks."

"REALLY! WHO?!" She exclaimed.

Lily smirked. "You." He said coolly.

"Re-really?" She asked.

He nodded his head.

"Good. That means that I can do this than." She said and kissed him.

He was surprised, but happy. He kissed back while putting his paws on her waist, while hers were on his chest. Much like when they had first met.

They both smiled when the kiss stopped.

The guild doors opened to reveal two dragon slayers holding hands, with mate marks on each of the necks.

"Well well, looks whose together." Shimmer said teasingly.

Luna rolled her eyes. "I could say the same for you Shimmer" She said referring to her and Lily.

"Ya, and what about it?" She said not caring.

Luna rolled her eyes again. "Whatever."

All four of them laughed, and couldn't be happier.

(There we go. If you want a part three where you get to see the conversation where Gajeel and Luna get together, than just say yes in the comments.)


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