RWBY: Male!Reader x Ruby Rose - {Red}

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 Ok.... Before we begin, this is my first RWBY fanfic from DeviantArt, so please don't mutilate me with such tremendous hate if it's terrible, but hey! I'm thinking about introducing you and three other OC's, that will become your teammates, on each of RWBY characters' trailers such as this one, and following the story of volume one (and hopefully volume 2 as well, if this goes well that is). So in this part of the story, you and Ruby will be introduced.... Hope you guys enjoy!





3rd Person's POV

It was one cold night on a forest located next to a cliffside, your were literally sitting yourself on a tall tree, with your (F/C) trench coat using it as a blanket against the cold, after your hours of training before you could head off for beacon and leave your family behind to you study the arts of becoming a huntsman you dreamed of. Just then, you see a girl, wearing a crimson red cloak, standing before a grave on the side of a cliff. You kept yourself hidden as you take further notice of her features.

She had pretty much of a petite figure of a 15-year-old, a shoulder-length, black hair with red tint to it, and a pair of silver eyes. This cause your face to turn into a confused one, because you have never seen anyone else with silver eyes. After a while, she leaves cliffside. You slipped in to your battle garments including your coat, and you started to follow her quietly as you could. She passes through the snow ridden forest, but only to be confronted by a pack of Beowolves who quickly surround her.

Three wolves rushed in forward and attack. You were about to rush in and help her, but before you could, she vanishes in a flash of rose petals before appearing above them and shoots the wolves with some kind of weapon similar to a sniper. Her weapon then transforms into a scythe and she wraps the blade around one of the Beowolves.

She gives the Grimm a smirk before cutting it in half by using the recoil of a shot she fired. The girl then slams the scythe into the ground to brace it as she fires several rounds at the approaching Beowolves that come out of the woods to join the fight. You were quite intrigued on how well she uses the weapon, so you decided to sit this one out a bit and watch the fight. The girl is then engaged by 3 Beowolves, all of which are swiftly cut down by her, who utilizes a flurry of attacks to de-limb and destroy the former two, before decapitating the last one. Two more rush towards her, before she wraps her scythe around the closest one, before shooting, which cleaves the former in half, while the one farther away gets hit by sniper-scythe's round.

She was just too busy fighting a lot of Grimm, while you were just sitting there watching. Just then a Beowolf suddenly appeared out of nowhere, giving the girl a surprise attack. She narrowly blocks the attack with her scythe, but it got knocked out from her hands away a couple of feet away from her as a result. She now stands weaponless against a horde of beowolves with nothing else to defend herself with. A beowolf pounces at her, and she closes here eyes as she waits for her final moments of living. But it never came.

She slowly opened her eyes to see a beowolf completely frozen in mid-air. Wide eyed she stared at it until she heard the sound of her weapon slash against the Grimms' flesh. She then heard a loud bang and saw a figure jumped in the air whilst holding the girl's weapon. You gave the girl a quick wink before throwing her scythe to the ground right in front of her. She picks up her weapon, and you land right next to her.

Girl: Thanks!

You: Don't thank me just yet.

While you unsheathed your weapon from its scabbard that was strapped diagonally on your back , she takes time as she notices your features. You have a (H/L), (H/C)..... and pretty much the resemblance of a regular 17-year old teenager.... except for a peculiar platinum blonde hair streak at the side of your head.

Just then a Beowolf launched itself to attack you but you were too quick for it. You jumped towards the Grimm and decapitated it before sending it back with a good kick. While you were in mid-air, you transformed your weapon into its gun mod, an armor-piercing automatic revolver for short distances, that can also turn into a high-caliber, revolving rifle as well  for long distances. With your weapon in hand, you gave the Beowolves below you with multiple shots of caliber bullets before swiftly reloading it again and continue. Using the momentum you gained from the impact of the last bullet you shot, you flipped yourself back to the girl. When you did, you heard her whisper a 'wow', which made you chuckle silently.

Two groups of Beowolf then starts to surround the both of you. You two nod at each other as you took the other group while she took the other one.

Using your semblance, Cryokinesis/Ice Manipulation, you froze half of the group of Beowolves. With the Grimms being shocked by the sudden decrease of their group, you smirked at them while activating your weapon into its sword form. Two Beowolves rush in to attack, while you also do the same thing while creating a duplication of your own sword out of pure, hard, sharp ice. When you are nearly near them you slid down between them, sliced their legs, and cleanly decapitated them both. You swiftly rushed into the others, with a murderous look on your face, mutilating all of the Beowolves. When you were done, you turned to the girl in red to help her out with the other Grimms, but you hesitated when you saw her she was handling herself pretty quite well, and you decided to watch... again.....

You saw a duo of Beowolves rush in towards the girl, but one of them gets swiftly disarmed, literally, before having its legs sliced off, killing it, before the second rushes in - only to get the girls's scythe wrapped around its throat, blade first, before Ruby jumps into the air and onto its back, before firing, cleanly decapitating it. As the girl flies up into the air due to the recoil, she shoots the air with her scythe, while using both the recoil, and her blade to swiftly down three more wolves. A fourth on the ground then manages to strike her, sending her flying back.

The girl stands straight, observes the Beowolf armada, and ejects the scythe's's magazine, before flipping the scythe's orientation. She then discharges her weapon, and the new magazine she places in amplifies her recoil, causing her to fly forward at insanely fast speeds. She swiftly kills two more Beowolves, while the others look on in shock - just in time for her to reach the large pack.

She swiftly enters, and utilizes her sniper-scythe to its entirety to destroy all of the Beowolves with multiple shots, strikes, stabs and slices. As limbs and bullet casings fly, the girl finishes the final Beowolf before firing one last round from her sniper-scythe which causes a massive explosion, while she flips into the air and lands without flaw, before posing with her weapon while casings fall down around her. She smiles at her 'handiwork' before she turns to thank you for helping her a while ago, but only to see you create a living-breathing horse out of snow, and ride on it. You gave her a small smile,and a two-finger salute before you spoke.

You: See ya around, Red.

Before she could even speak, you lashed out the reins, also made of snow, that made the snow horse neigh and you rode out into the forest before disappearing among the shadows of the forest, leaving a perplexed girl alone at the clearing. Unbeknownst to them they were both thinking the same thing............

Both: I didn't even ask his/her name.

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