Vol. 6 Ep. 3 - The Lost Fable

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A puff of turquoise smoke appears, revealing Salem staring from her window of the tower, her arms crossed, as Jinn starts to narrate.

"Locked away by her cruel father, Salem was a girl who desired but one thing: Freedom." Jinn narrated. Salem walks away with sadness as Ruby and Tealle watch her do so when Salem passed by her unnoticed, as it is only a memory. "She lived in a time when kings and their kingdoms were plentiful, when men and women were capable of greatness, and magic was a gift from the gods that all could wield." The lonely woman sits down and leans against the vanity. She lifted her left hand out, using her magic; four magical spheres with a magic circle in six basic colors appear over her hand. "And yet, there she sat within her tower." As Salem looks down, the blue smoke reappears and envelops Salem to the next scene. It reforms the castle Salem resides in. "Until one day, a legendary hero came to brave the challenges within the tower's walls, accompanied by his mentor and trusted friend." A young man in fancy armor and a cape wielding a scepter appears standing proudly in front of the tower, alongside another man in a robe wearing a long cloak and wielding a long intricate staff. Qrow and (Y/N) can be seen walking up to them, but they both couldn't see each other within the memory. "The people of the lands knew them as Ozma and Master Pastoria." Qrow waves his hand in front of Ozma's face, but the latter proceeds forward unfazed, simply phasing through Qrow's hand, while the same thing happens to (Y/N) as he tries to touch Master Pastoria's shoulder. "Unlike those who had come before, the warrior Ozma was not driven by the prize of the young maiden's hand, and the sorcerer Master Pastoria sought nothing more than to see his young apprentice brave through the fortress. Ozma fought only for righteousness, and his pure heart and courageous soul prevailed. As Ozma and Pastoria walk up to the tower, other warriors are shown falling in battle. Blue smoke reforms the scene once again, this time showing Ozma using his scepter to blast down a dark-armored figure, with Master Pastoria holding back more of them from behind with his own powers emanating from his staff. As Master Pastoria stays behind and guards, Ozma opens up a door leading to Salem's room, where she stands up and offers a grateful smile to him. The smoke pops pops in and reforms the scene of them battling side by side with their magic powers. "They escaped the wretched fortress, and yet something bound Ozma and Salem together." Smoke reforms the scene showing Ozma and Salem running away from the tower holding hands together, Master Pastoria following at their heels. Once at a safe distance, the Ozma and Salem stop to catch their breath before looking to each other. Ozma then turns his head to his mentor, who only nods in encouragement as he summons a portal by tapping the ground with the lower end of his staff. (Y/N) noticed how the portal's appearance was almost similar to his gateways to the Maiden's Realm.

"Well, I believe this is where we part ways, my young intrepid friend." Pastoria stated.

"Will I see you again, Master?" Ozma asked.

"When the going gets though, I'll be there."

Shaking each other's hand in farewell, Ozma and Pastoria went on their separate ways. The portal closed behind the master sorcerer as he left the two. Ozma then returns his attention back to the woman she saved, smiling at him.

"Ozma had been ready to give his life for justice countless times, but now saw a woman worth saving it for. And Salem, to her surprise, found her freedom not in the outside world she had yearned for, but in the eyes of the man that had saved her." "So, where should we go now?" Salem asked, her voice was sweet and innocent before she was who she was today. "Wherever you'd like." Ozma answered, offering his hand to her. Surprisingly enough, he almost sounded like Oscar.
"They fell deeply in love, planned adventures around the world, and lived happily ever after." Smoke envelops the environment around Ozma and Salem as the two hold hands. The two disappear into a bright light of white space. "Or at least that's what should have been." Smoke then reforms the scene showing Salem kneeling at Ozma's bedside, with the latter's eyes closed and his body motionless, while Ozma's mentor, Master Pastoria, stands beside the mourning woman, closing his eyes and looking away in sadness. Salem holds Ozma's hand and can be heard sobbing. "Ozma, the infallible hero of legend, fell ill. And where all the beasts and blades of the world had fallen short, a single sickness prevailed." "You may rest now, old friend. You were too good for this world, it seems."

Waving his staff above Ozma's body, trails of magic appear out of his staff and into Ozma's body. A second later, the warrior's body disappears in a smoke. As Salem continues sobbing, Pastoria hands Salem Ozma's scepter in her hands, giving her a sympathetic look as he summons his portal and retreats to it. Weiss and Stormlight can be seen behind her, watching. "How could the gods let this happen?" Salem asked herself sadly. As the two continue to watch in pity, they looks up to notice two spheres - one bright yellow and the other a dark purple - circling above her head. "The gods, brothers of light and darkness, creation and destruction. Salem prayed they would see the injustice that had befallen her love and make things right." The two orbs encircling above lower down, with Blake Belladonna and Lina Azure watching the two conjoin in front of her. A bright light and blue smoke transitions the scene, this time showing a brightly lit place with a stairway leading up the mountain. "The Domain of Light was a sacred place." Salem is then seen approaching the stairway, offering flowers on the steps, Ozma's scepter still in her possession "It was here the elder brother dwells beside his fountain of life and creation. It was here... where mankind would fall to ruin." Weiss and Storm watch Salem walk up the stairs as smoke transitions the scene again, with Salem now at the top of the mountain as she looks upon the Domain of Light, valley filled with flowers with a pool of water and a tree at the center. Leaves blow from the tree and encircles above the water, and from it, the God of Light rises from the pool smoothly. As he walks forward to Salem, the blonde woman falls to her knees, begging. "Please," she begged. "Please, bring him back to me."

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