Vol.4 Ep. 10 - Kuroyuri

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(D/N): Linna! You can't be serious about this! You can't just---

Linna : At what cost, (D/N)? A lot of things have already changed when we had our own families. And my only daughter is still missing!

Your father is currently in Mistral, trying to convince one of his old teammates to ally with him, but fails do to so. They were currently in Linna's Sukiya-zukuri-styled mansion, in their living room, a large garden seen just outside the door. The matured white tiger Faunus was wearing a long kimono in her color theme. Cups of tea were placed down on the table for each of them as they discuss, but the tea had already gone cold during their lengthy talk. Linna stands up from her kneeling position from the table as she walks towards her door, staring at her garden.

Linna: You mustn't let your anger get the best of you, (D/N). You know better. Alex won't want to see yourself avenging him out of hatred.

I know that Linna...... If only.... Maybe if I just.... DAMN IT ALL!!!

Out of pure anguish, he stands up abruptly and turns over the small table, spilling tea all over the floor. Linna slightly flinched at your father's sudden outburst. She rushes to his side and embraces her old team leader out of pity, trying her best to comfort the crying Huntsman.

Linna: His sacrifice wasn't in vain, (D/N). He knew the risks and he took it bravely. For you, and your family.

After (D/N) finally calmed down, Linna gave him a faint smile, and he thanks her. One of Linna's envoys enters the room and tells that their meeting will be held shortly.

Linna: I have to go, (D/N). Remember: The only way to live is to avoid hate. Try to go against hate, and you'll be struck down by hate. Until next time..... Cap.

With those parting words, Linna leaves the Huntsman in the living room as she walks away for their council meeting. As (D/N) leaves the house, dismayed that he wasn't able to convince his old teammate, one of his underling scout rushes to him.

Scout: Sir, one of our own has spotted a dangerous Grimm in the mountains just outside of Haven, which they were able identify as "Nuckalavee." We were also told to give you the task to hunt it down.

(D/N): A Nuckalavee, huh? Never seen one of those for a long time now. I'll just have a quick word with a few pilots and I'll hunt it down.


As Sky prepares for his escape, heads into his lab to grab his gears and equipment. He goes into his wardrobe, and pulls out his silver coat, but hesitates on wearing it for moment. As he gazes upon it flashes of memories come running into his mind, from his first day in the academy, experiencing first love, his first mission with his team, and much more. A faint smile appears on his lips, before he shakes his head and discards it.

Sky: It was a good journey.....

He goes back into his wardrobe and rummages from the deepest depths of it, until he finally brings out a small black leather box, a hand-scanner present on its surface. He places his hand on the scanner and a satisfying bleep rings out. It opens with a quiet hiss, and Sky grins at what he sees inside.

Sky: Perfect....

Outside of the laboratory, Angel is seen just outside the metallic doors, patiently waiting. After a few seconds, Sky finally walks out of the lab, wearing a dark coat with a long coattail split into three, and a silver sash strapped around his waist, along with a small metallic, magnetic plate. His hands are covered by gray gloves with white-colored metal armor plates over his fingers, and he wears dark blue pants, with black leather boots, and a considerably-sized backpack . On his left hand, he carries a dark gray mask with a silver lightning across the right eye socket, and on his right hand, he carries his newly-designed weapons, Dawn and Twilight, but the sheath and the handle were under a disguise of brown color, as if they were covered by brown leather straps.

Angel: Got everything you need, Sky? Klein is waiting for you in the secret passage.


He puts on his mask that covered his entire face, his sharp extremely light blue eyes, slowly transitioning into an electric blue color, uncovered by the mask, filled with determination. As soon as the mask touched his head, the mask suddenly changed Sky's hair into dark shade of black color with pale blue highlights at the tips of his hair.

Sky: And the name's Stormlight, sister.


A cracked signed bearing the name Kuroyuri rests against ruins. The whole village was a complete wreck, buildings were destroyed, and houses were burned. Whatever glory the village had was all but vanished. Ruby and Jaune walk down the road, carrying Qrow on a stretcher. They pause and look unhappily around.

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