Vol. 5 Ep. 14 - Haven's Fate

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On the rooftop of Haven's Cross-Continental Transmit Tower, several shadowy figures clad in feathered clothing, obviously members of a particular assassin Clan, are watching the battle between the White Fang and the Menagerie Faunus as well as the Mistral police force continues on. The leader of their group notices their traitorous turncoats fleeing the battle as they are constantly losing to the Azure guards.

Tengu Group Leader: Round up those fleeing turncoats, and apprehend Shinku Akuto by any means necessary.

With that order from the leader of their group, they descended down the tower skillfully and went to accomplish their given order. Shinku, on the other hand grits his teeth, annoyed that members of their own Clan had appeared and begun apprehending his fellow turncoat members. While he was occupied with watching his fellow turncoat members being apprehended, he leaps away in time to dodge a strike from several members of the original Clan. He draws his daggers a he prepares to fight for his freedom.

Meanwhile. the White Fang, surrounded, outmatched, and outnumbered by the combined forces of the Menagerie Faunus army, the Azure's own personal guards, and the Mistral Police Force, are forced to surrender.

Elsewhere, Blake stands proudly over Adam, who was on his knees before standing back up, seething in anger.

Adam: I'm going to make you regret ever coming back...

Blake: More police are on their way, Adam. Huntsmen too.

Adam: Still too afraid to face me on your own.

Blake: I'm here for Haven and Tealle, not you.

Angered, Adam transforms his sheath into its rifle form and points it in front of Blake with the chokuto blade in his left hand, while Blake draws her own weapon to defend herself.

Adam: Heh, you are still afraid, and you should be. I've made powerful friends while you've been away.

Sun: Oh yeah?

Adam look to his left as Sun approaches him holding his weapon in its staff form, followed by the mysterious cloaked man that saved Tealle from him, and with Tealle herself beside him.

Sun: Where?

Adam: Tell me, does Blake make all of her classmates fight for her?

Tealle: Like how you made my family fight for you? Look who's talking.

Sun: It's a volunteer gig. Besides, some guys wouldn't like to miss the chance to be a knight in a shining armor that saves the princess. I'm just sayin' but, for someone who claims to have such great friends, there doesn't seem to be a lot of people here willing to fight for you.

Adam looks around, seeing his followers surrendering to the overwhelming numbers of forces Blake brought with her, only proving Sun's point right. A searchlight then shines down on him.

Blake: You can try and make me regret coming here, Adam, but honestly... I've got more important things to deal with.

Adam lets out a frustrated growl and swings his sword at Sun, but before the monkey Faunus could counter his attacks, Tealle's mother, Linna, jumps in between them with her weapon drawn at the ready and easily subdues Adam. Tealle's father, Toshio, and cousin, Noir, then arrive at the scene.

Linna: Adam Taurus, as a High Councilor to the Kingdom of Mistral, I hereby place you under arrest for kidnapping, mass terrorism, and using a hostage for control.

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