Vol. 3 Ep. 6 - Fall

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The downward elevator ride was a simple awkward for Pyrrha. She found herself surrounded by four people who called themselves protectors of the world and one of being the actual son of the Legendary Winter Maiden, and she felt small and insignificant. But she managed to gain some courage and asked the group.

Pyrrha: Where are we going?

You: Under the school, there is a vault hidden away.

You answered Pyrrha's question. It wasn't long after that they arrived at the Vault itself. When the doors of the elevator opened Pyrrha looked out to a long barely lit room. As they walked down through the room the clear echo of the groups footsteps could be heard.

Glynda: I'm sure you must have questions.

Pyrrha: I might have one, or two... I still don't understand. You said I was next in line to receive the Maiden's power. What do you mean by that?

Glynda: The Maidens have existed for thousands of years. But much like in nature, the seasons change. No two summers are alike. When a Maiden dies, her power leaves her body and seeks out a new host, ensuring that the seasons are never lost, and that no individual can hold on to that power forever.

Pyrrha: So, how does the power select it's hosts?

Qrow: Through a series of stupid and convoluted rules.

Glynda: Qrow.

Professor Goodwitch snapped back at the huntsman.

Ironwood: As blunt as Qrow can be I have to agree with him.

Qrow: See even Jimmy here knows, so don't get mad 'cause I'm right.

Qrow smiled back towards Glynda with a cocky grin on his face. Glynda sighed in annoyance before turning her attention back to Pyrrha.

Glynda: At first, the only thing that was certain was that the powers were specifically passed on to young women. But as time went on, it was discovered that the selection process was much more... intimate.

Pyrrha had an extremely concerned and uncomfortable look on her face, so did you as it was it was quite relate-able, as she asked.

Pyrrha: Intimate?

You: Whoa, time out!"

You suddenly shouted out stopping the group.

You: You don't have to worry it's nothing like that at all. I promise. I-It's just when a Maiden dies, the one who is in her final thoughts is normally the one who is next selected to gain the powers of a Maiden.

Qrow: Unless it's a dude or some old hag. Then the power goes to someone random, and our job gets a lot harder.

You: As was the case for the last Maiden when she got her powers. It just so happened she was here in Beacon at the time.

Qrow: And since Ice boy here was born from the Winter Maiden's stomach, this whole thing became a lot more confusing, yet interesting for us.

Pyrrha was quite for a few moments as she tried to process this information. She then asked a different question.

Pyrrha: I don't understand... Why tell me all of this now? Why not wait until I've graduated?"

You: The same reason I'm hiding my title. Only the people in this room know that I'm actually the son of a Maiden. You noticed it as well.

Pyrrha: You're not... talking about a war?

Ironwood: Yes, but not a war between nations.

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