Vol. 6 Ep. 5 - The Coming Storm

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Back in the snow, Team RWBY, Qrow, Oscar and Maria proceed on the trail as the snow starts to pick up even more, and the skies starts to get darker by the minute, with no luck of encountering anything worthwhile so far.

"Doesn't look like this is gonna let up." Qrow sighed.

"Just wanna get this stupid Relic to Atlas." Blake huffed.

"Let's hope we don't have to walk all the way there." Weiss added.

"And here I thought trails led somewhere." Yang sarcastically stated.

"Do you have nothing better to do than complain, young lady?" the old woman, Maria, replied.

"Everyone, quiet." Ruby ordered, silencing everyone. "Do you hear that?"

Everyone stops in their tracks. A metallic squeaking can be heard in the heard. Everyone soon made their towards a large farm, one of the front gates swings back and forth with the wind. A large sign above the entrance reads "BRUNSWICK FARMS". Everyone arrives at the gate.

"Well, at least one good thing happened today." Blake said.

"It looks abandoned." Weiss stated.

"It's still better than this." Ruby sighed.

"Come on, I think we could all use some rest." Qrow opens the gate to the farm, allowing everyone to walk in without trouble.

"I just hope the others are safe and found (Y/N) now." Ruby hopefully mutters to herself.

Everyone proceeds through the farm's gates, with Qrow being the last to enter. The snow starts to pick up even more as the gate is heard closing with a metallic clang.

"NO!!! TEALLE!!!" Linna shrieked as she hastily went to her daughter's side.

Time seemed to slow down for (Y/N) as he watched his teammate Tealle, their most optimistic member of the group, collapse down on the snow, blood spurting from her back. Tears flowed down to his cheeks as (Y/N)'s hatred and anger engulfed him, sends him on a rampaging streak. He lets out a loud battle cry as he kicks Onyx away hard with brute force that it sent her tumbling away somewhere far in the tundra, and then he charges head-on towards Adam with (W/N) on his hand.

They clashed, trading blow for blow, and slash for slash, with (Y/N)'s sword swings being more dominant than Adam's. Sparks flew as their blades clashed.

"YOU BASTARD!!!" (Y/N) bellowed in a distorted voice, while relentlessly slashing Adam with brute force, not knowing (Y/N) is playing right into the Faunus' hand, absorbing the blows with his sword, preparing to use his Semblance again.

The impostor jumps in between the two combatants separating them both, still wearing Claire's guise. The impostor raises and cracks their whip at their side.

"You're outmatched." The impostor quipped. "Your teammates are practically wounded, that pathetic excuse for a noble is too distressed with her ungrateful daughter to even help you. You've got nothing left. You should lay down and let us kill you."

(Y/N) was lost in his rage to care. He stood there with a permanent scowl on his face, the only thing that he was focused on was to dispose whoever hurt his beloved teammate, no matter the cost.


With a grunt, (Y/N) drove his sword into the ground with both hands and suddenly imploded, creating a thick mist around him. When the mist died down, the trio saw him crouching down, breathing heavily as if he was out of breath. But the most amazing thing they saw was him being surrounded by two avatars of yourself, one projected in a wintry blue color, while the other was spring green, leaving (Y/N) himself to revert back into his ordinary form, his pure white hair returning to (H/C) and his icy blue eyes to (E/C).

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