Vol. 6 Ep. 6 - Alone in the Woods

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Ruby stares at the broken remnants of the moon through a window as she sits on the staircase. Snow is drizzling outside.

"I hope you're okay out there, (Y/N)." Ruby mumbled to herself with hope as she hugged herself.

Ruby checks on Blake, Weiss, and Yang, who are sitting on the rug and staring at the fire from the fireplace. Ruby gets up from the stairs and walks over to her uncle, who was sitting near the window, his feet propped up in the windowsill.

"Storm's cleared up for now. We should be able to leave by morning." Qrow muttered.

"That's good." Ruby nodded at this, but Qrow shook his head.

"No... I don't have a good feeling about this place, especially with me around..."

Ruby looks down at a wine bottle on the floor with Qrow's hand hovering near it, then looks at him.

"Are you... okay?" His niece asks him, but he scoffs in response.

"Sure. Tell everyone to get some sleep. I'll wake you guys up just before sunrise. Hopefully, Linna and the others are back by then."

Ruby walks away as Qrow drinks from the wine bottle. Ruby pauses and looks back at him before narrowing her eyes downward, completely worried about her uncle's tendency to drink.

Back in the other room, the fire continues to burn. The book Maria is reading has a "III" on the cover, with the other two volumes on a nearby table.

"It's a diary?" Oscar asked, eyeing on the book Maria was holding.

Maria nodded. "The head of this household, Bartleby. Apparently, he and several other families founded this little settlement to try and live on their own. It sounds like it worked, at least for a spell."

"Grimm?" The farm boy guessed.

"Just one of many hardships." Maria added. "Slowed down their farming, made everything harder... It's a shame, really. He seemed like quite the ambitious fellow, always thinking of new schemes to overcome the odds."

Ruby is then seen walking back into the living room. "Hey guys. Qrow said we should get some sleep. We're gonna head out early tomorrow."

"Thank goodness." Blake sighed in relief as everyone gets up to get ready to sleep. Maria hops off the couch. Maria, on the other hand....

"Hmph, the last thing you'll catch me doing is letting some kid tell me what to do." The old lady huffed in annoyance before mimicking Ruby's voice and scoffed "Go to bed!"

Maria sits on an armchair, turns on the lamp next to it and continues reading from the book.

Ruby shrugs and smiles before going to sleep herself. The fire continues to burn in the fireplace.


Meanwhile with Linna's group, they found themselves in the presence of a large buff man, who seemed out of place among the clan of swift, agile assassins. Linna was a step ahead of the group having a stare down with large buff man.

Pretty much of his body is covered in thick shell plates. He towered at least 8-10 feet in height, staring down at Tealle's mother in a seemingly intimidating manner, but the White Tiger Faunus was unnerved by this. His head has holes instead of actual human ears or nose. His eyebrows are segmented plates rather than hair and the entire top of his head is covered in the same shell.

"Hisashiburi-dana, Kuro. O-genki desuka? (Long time no see, Kuro. Doing well, I hope?)" Linna spoke in a language unfamiliar to Claire and Sky, but they both deduced it was the same language Tealle rarely blurts out.

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