RWBY: Male!Reader x Ruby Rose - {Yellow}

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Hey guys! It's Nehpets here. And welcome to the moment we've all been waiting for, the final trailer of RWBY: Male!Reader X Ruby Rose. So today's the day the Final Trailer will finally be revealed, before we can actually begin the volume one of our story! So, enough talking, I'm excited! You guys excited? What am I saying, what kind of a question is that?! Of course we're all excited! So enough of this talking, and let's get started!

Note: I'll try to change my writing style in the meantime....

And just to make things crystal clear:

RWBY belongs to RoosterTeeth
The story belongs to me
And you belong to yourself

Hope you fellas enjoy!


In a shady side of town in Vale a crowds of people and faunus alike are found handing each over a couple lien for their betting for something illegal: Circuit Motorcycle Racing. The rules are simple: first to finish one lap wins.

Announcer: So who will be our racers tonight, huh?

A familiar blonde-haired teenager rides into the starting line, riding a yellow sports bike. She revs the engine of her bike, signaling that she's ready.

Announcer: Is there anyone there brave enough to challenge?

A moment of silence occurs when a sound of a motorcycle's engine is heard from the distance. The crowd turned towards the sound, and they some of them cheered and applauded when a red-haired teenager, about the same age as the blonde one, whose head was covered in a crimson red helmet, riding a with the same shade of color of her helmet.

Announcer: Oh Ho! Ho! Ho! Miss Claret! How thrilling it is for us to have you tonight.

The girl nods at him in agreement as she rides her way to the starting line.

Announcer: Now that we have our contenders, let me tell you all the rules. Well, the rules are simple really: First to finish one lap around town wins. We've already set up the paths the two of you will be taking as you two race around town. READY?! STEADY?! ALRIGHT, GO!!

And with that the two racers sped up, making their motorcycles do a wheelie before disappearing towards the street. The racers dodged cars, obstacles, and whatsoever as they followed the path they need to take. The next path took them both to a narrow alleyway, with the red-haired girl on the lead. After a couple turns and dodging obstacles on the way, they finally made their way out of alley. The next path is a very sharp curve, but regardless they drifted their way on it. They raced their way through a couple of familiar buildings before the finish line was up ahead. They sped up full throttle before the blonde one catches with the red-haired one. They were neck in neck before the blonde wins by a mere inch.

Announcer: Ooh! Looks like Miss Claret received her first lose in 4 months, breaking her 16 winning streak. Congratulations! Miss Claret if you will....

The announcer hands the money to the red-haired girl called, "Miss Claret", as she removes her helmet, revealing a proud yet delicate face with light brown eyes. She takes the money and walks over to the blonde.

Red-Haired Girl: Here, you earned it. And the name's Claire, Claire Claret.

The blonde also removes her helmet and gives her a smirk when she did. She grabs the money, and hands out her other hand for a handshake.

Blonde-Haired Girl: Yang, Yang Xiao Long.

Claire accepts the hand, and shakes it gently.

Yang: Looks like I'll be buying strawberry sunrise after all. Care to join me?

Claire: I'd love to, but I have to do something first. I'll just catch up with you later......

Yang: Soothe yourself. See ya later.

And with that she puts her helmet back on and rides off. Yang is riding her motorcycle through the streets of Vale. She eventually stops in front of a club that is blasting music. As she walks through the club, she sees Roman Torchwick ending a conversation with Junior. She makes her way to the bar where Junior stands. Junior sees the blonde and dismisses the two girl near him.

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