Vol. 3 Ep. 4 - Lessons Learned

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You: Wh-What?

Ozpin and everyone else in the room were incredibly shocked to find you inside the office uninvited. You trembling from tremendous disbelief of what you had just heard from Qrow, that you were a son of the Winter Maiden.

Glynda: (Y/N).....

You: Wh-What do you.... What do you mean I'm a son of Winter Maiden? Th-That's... But that's impossible.... I---

I know it's impossible to believe, (Y/N), but it's the truth.

Qrow: I know this is a lot to take in, kid, if you could just calm---

You: NO!!!

Your sudden outburst caused you to let out a small blast of your Semblance, causing the temperature of the office to drop slightly, snow slowly falling from the ceiling.

I'm not gonna calm down if you guys won't explain to me what the heck is going on!!!

There was a moment of silence among them, before they all glanced at each other worryingly. The Ozpin spoke in a firm, authoritative tone.

Ozpin: Leave us.

Glynda: But, Ozpin---

Ozpin: Now.

Without another word, they all left the office reluctantly as they took the elevator down. When you were finally alone.....

Ozpin: (Y/N) before I could begin, please understand why we had to do this.

You: I don't care anymore, Uncle, just please tell me the truth. Am I or am I not?

Ozpin left behind his desk and made his way to his large window, overlooking the school.

You are, I'm afraid.

Due to incredible astonishment, you wobbled your way towards Ozpin's desk and sat on it, rather hardly.

You: And you kept it from me..... for seventeen years!

Ozpin: Because we had to. Me, James, Glynda, Qrow, and your father, and a few others as well, our group was founded to protect mankind and the maidens, which your mother is included, and currently, you as well. You should know, your mother and father nearly lost their life protecting themselves and you. Those who have hungered for power have hunted them day and night, hoping of achieving the power your mother possesses. That was the time you were still in your mother's womb.

You tried taking these statements in, word after word.

There's still one more thing.

Ozpin: Hmm? And what could it be?

You: The picture concealed in your desk.

Ozpin's eyes widened in astonishment before he relaxed himself down.

Ozpin: What about it?

You: You said my mother passed away when I was born. But that picture is trying to tell me otherwise. So tell me, Uncle, i-is my mother still alive?

Ozpin: That still fact still remains to be seen, I'm afraid.

A look of confusion came upon your face at your Uncle's statement.

You: Wha... What do you mean?


Isolde: (D/N), my love, everyone. As you all know I've broken one of the most important will of being a Maiden, and now I must pay the price for it.

Ozpin and others were standing before the Winter Maiden in her all her wintry glory as she held her beloved son in her arms, the vast sea behind her as she stand near the edge of cliff.

RWBY: Male!Reader x Ruby RoseWhere stories live. Discover now