Vol. 4 Ep. 12 - No Safe Haven

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You grunted in pain as you were thrown against the cave's wall. You slid down to the ground as pain pulsated in every inch of your body. You spit out small amount of blood, and suddenly a flash of your Aura ran across your body, still tainted with a purplish color, making you cry out in pain. The cloaked girl throws your weapon at your side, impaling itself on the ground.

Cloaked Figure: Get up. Giving up already? Pathetic.

Triggered by her menacing words, you immediately grab you weapon beside you and slowly stand back up. You raised your swords at her as you glared and bared your teeth at her in anger.

You: Not..... even close.

The cloaked girl inhales a large amount of air as the glow on her eyes fade for a moment. Her eyes slowly open, glowing even more intense as she happily growls a single word.

Cloaked Figure: Good.....

With that, she immediately zigzags her way towards you, trying to catch you off-balance. You were able to block her first strike that was aimed towards your side and her second strike that was aimed at your head as well, and quickly countered with a swift slash at her abdomen.

She quickly strikes back by sweeping you off your feet and kicks you on your stomach hard, sending you crashing against the wall yet again. You were almost at your limit, not being able to use your Aura was already too critical for you to get up again and fight back. You tried to summon an ice sword to fight back again, but you were too drained that even the ice barriers on the exits melted.

You watched as the cloaked slowly advances her way towards you, her deer knives held at the ready for the final killing blow. You closed your eyes, accepting your inevitable fate. But then you heard a voice that you were all too familiar with.

(D/N): Stay your blade away from my son, you witch.

You instantly open your eyes and see your father swinging his to the side, creating an Aura arc towards the cloaked girl. She jumps back to evade the attack as your father stands guard in front of you, and the cloaked girl starts fighting the famed "Timekeeper" instead.

But In a matter of minutes of slashing, and evading an blocking each others' attack, your father clearly had the upper hand. The two openly clash blades as your father lands a downwards strike, and aggressively swipes at the cloaked girl, forcing her to do a series of back handsprings away from the sword and eventually block it at the last slash, as well as locking their blades.

You slowly stood up to your knee to join in despite your injuries. You were about to lunge yourself in towards the two when you three suddenly heard a loud screech. The cloaked girl turns her head towards where the sound came from before kicking your father back, and exits the cave. Your father chases after her and watch as the cloaked girl leaps from tree to tree towards Kuroyuri.

With a groan of pain, you finally stood up on your feet and limped your way towards your father.

You: Where'd.... she go?

(D/N): She fled.... To Kuroyuri..?

You then suddenly remember that Ruby and the others are still there, possibly fighting for their lives at the creature the cloaked girl had sent to fight, and with the cloaked girl fighting them, they won't stand a chance.

You: We need to go there! Now!

Okay. But you're not in shape to even walk five meters out of the cave. Here, let me.

Your father grabs a hold of your arm and slings it around his shoulders, while also grabbing a hold your side to support you. And with that, you feel the time around you slow down as you and your father run out of the cave and towards Kuroyuri.


As the Nuckelavee flings Nora around, she is knocked to the ground with her Aura completely depleted. Ren uses his pistol's blades to give himself leverage to pull the Nuckelavee hand off of him. He repeatedly goes after the creature, exhibiting reckless behavior, his eyes wild.

Jaune: Ren! Knock it off!

Ren ignores him and ends up on the ground beside Nora, separated from his weapon and his Aura also depleted. The two partners rise together, Nora first. Ren's eyes are only on the creature, and Nora tackles him and drags him under a building.

RWBY: Male!Reader x Ruby RoseWhere stories live. Discover now