Vol. 4 Ep. 6 - Tipping point

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Inside your mother's own domain, on her castle, among in its many rooms, you were leaning on the wall of the room until you slumped down and placed your hand on your face out of aggravation.

You: Why? Just what do these nightmares mean?! I'm getting sick of it.

You frustratingly wondered to yourself. Although after settling in with your mother, much to her surprise when you suddenly appeared right in front of her home's doorway, the nightmares decreased moderately. The door to your room suddenly creaks open, you turned your head towards it to see your mother stepping inside your room and closes the door behind her. She turns to you with a weary look.

Isolde: I'm afraid, you have face these nightmares alone. Nightmares as heavy as yours only occur when you have something to fear greatly. What makes you think that girl in your dreams is a great fear of yours?

It's the one thing you ever wondered in your ever since. What do you actually fear? For years you've faced dangerous Grimms, and done nearly-impossible feats. There was nothing you knew that you were afraid off to face. Having nightmares about that girl made your situation even more confusing than normal. What do you fear about her?

You: I don't.... I don't know, mother.

Your mother just sighed out albeit in disappointment.

Isolde: I'll leave you alone for now, while I let you think about this and decide which course is better to take to face it.

With that she leaves the room, closing the door after her, leaving you to retire in your room in contemplation.


Inside Sky's personal laboratory, he is seen inside the secret room where Penny resides in, with Sky himself, a pen and clipboard in hand, diagnosing Penny's condition. Everything was peaceful for a moment until they both heard the sound of gunshots and metal clashing against metal somewhere within the mansion, making the silver-haired boy just sigh in exhaustion.

Penny: Is something going on, Mr. Skylar?

Sky: Nothing you should concern yourself with, Penny. Don't worry about it. Now, I'll be putting you back in your stasis chamber, I request that you power down for now until you are removed from your pod again.

Penny: As you wish.

Penny closes her eyes as she shuts her power down. The bed Penny was lying in then transports her inside her pod and closes afterwards. Sky had a look of guilt on his face as he hated doing this, but he knew he had to. He wanted to give Penny a chance at something. Something Penny has always wanted. With look of dread in his face, Sky removes his lab coat, hooks it on a nearby wall, and leaves the laboratory.

He walks the long hallways of the mansion, following the sound originates, until he finally finds himself before two large doors that leads into the wide ballroom inside the Frostydian Mansion. With a tired sigh, he pushes the doors open. Sky was shocked at he was witnessing. In the middle of the nearly ruined ballroom is his mother, holding an old-fashioned flintlock pistol and a double-edged straight sword, and her little sister, professionally holding a katana that was no doubt a part of a collection hanging on the ballroom wall.

He watches as his sister lunges at their mother with a side swing of her katana, but their mother just fires a round from her flintlock pistol with a deadly accuracy to stop the katana from being slashed at her, disarming Seraphina in the process. Without missing a beat, Liliana sweeps her daughter off her feet, and makes a triple backflip, distancing herself.

Sky watched as his little sister just laid on the floor, clearly exhausted what with her heavy breathing, and bullet-sized sweats. A horrified look was plastered on Sky's face as he sees his mother load another lead on her pistol, and fires at her daughter without hesitancy.

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