Vol. 4 Ep. 3 - Of Runaways and Stowaways

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In a small clearing, Jaune is seen in the middle of place, his eyes closed and sitting with his leg crossed. It was clear that he was meditating, or trying to anyway as his Aura was blinking unsteadily in his whole body. Ren, Nora and Ruby we're watching him do it as they sat beneath on a tree log. Then out of nowhere, a punch is suddenly thrown on Jaune's left cheek, sending him rolling away until he hits a tree, hard. Jaune just stayed there on the ground, looking at the clear afternoon sky, as he groans in pain. Then you suddenly found you in his field of vision, shaking your head of what seems to be out of disappointment.

What happened, Jaune? You were supposed to dodge that punch. This is the whole point of why you are meditating in the first place!

Jaune: Do I look like a freaking psychic to you?!

You just sighed out of annoyance as you responded back;

You: Fine then. Let me show you how it's done. You throw the punches, while I'll try to meditate.

With no hesitation whatsoever, Jaune agreed to your terms as you settled yourself in the middle of the clearing, and started meditating, your Aura radiating in your whole body.

Jaune: Okay. Here goes.

Jaune throws a hard right towards your left cheek, but you just leaned back smoothly and dodged the attack, as though your body responded for you. Jaune kept throwing punches and kicks at you, but you just effortlessly dodged them all, while remaining in your place of meditation. You decided to end it, so when you sensed another one of Jaune's punches, you sidestepped, amking him stumble, and for you to knee him on the stomach. Before he could even react, you quickly followed with a back kick that sent him tumbling away a couple of meters. Ruby and the others watched in awe as you managed to dodge all of Jaune's attack while staying in your spot, and tiwh your eyes even closed.

Just as soon as you opened your eyes, the aura surrounding your body disappeared as you ended your meditation. You chuckled when you saw Jaune sprawled out on the ground, groaning in pain yet again. You walked over to him, and leaned down on him as he speaks hoarsely from pain.

Jaune: How...?

You: I told you. It was just meditation. Well, there is that, and you would always grunt when you throw a punch. So, yeah. I was able to hear you when you were going to throw them while meditating at the same time.

Utterly defeated, Jaune just stayed down on the ground, while you just held your hand out to him.

After that training, you and Team RNJR/JNRR were able to come across a small river and a waterfall. Knowing it was a good spot to rest, you all decided to make camp since it was nearly getting late. You were sitting on a large rock, as you watched Ren, Nora, and Jaune clean
up, with Ruby gathering wood for the fireplace.

You slowly unsheathed your weapon from your back, and stared at it. The colors that represented each part of your sword reminded you of your old team, wondering how your life would've if bad thing never happened. Ruby saw you looking gloomy for some reason and soon noticed why when you were staring sadly at your sword. Ruby walked her way towards, and places a hand on your shoulder. You tensed for a moment, but you soon calmed down when you saw it was Ruby.

You: Hey, Ruby. Sorry if I'm looking a bit down right now. I.. I just miss my team. Sky, Claire, Tealle. I really miss them.

Ruby: I know, I miss Weiss and the others too.

She reassures as she sit beside, placing a hand on yours as she smiled at you faintly.

Ruby: I'm sure they're fine.

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