Vol. 2 Ep. 4 - Painting the Town

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You: D-Dad?!

The (H/C)-haired man seemed to be surprised as well as he took notice of your face and features.

(Father's Name): (Y/N)?! Is that you?

Still with awestruck faces, you both sheathed your weapons respectively. The man, or rather your father, narrowed his (E/C) eyes to you from head to toe. When he was done with his 'observance', hr smiled brightly as he engulfed you in a surprising hug that caught you off-guard.

(F/N): It is you! My son!

Still a little bit surprised, you returned the hug with your own. Suddenly, you're father's happy face soon turned into a frown as he grabbed you by the shoulders, and stared you right in the eyes.

(F/N): Wait. What are you doing here?!

You: I could ask the same thing for you!

Your father then released a hold of your shoulders as he gave you a firm look that even the scariest of Grimms would cower at the sight.

(F/N): We'll take this situation 'slow' first.

He closed his eyes at first before he suddenly opened them by the second. His eyes glowed an eerie color of (F/C), before you felt everything around you and your father slow down, as if the world itself had suddenly stopped. He had activated his semblance. To be honest with yourself, you have always fascinated your father's Semblance in Manipulating Time. You almost wished you could've inherited it.... But you still preferred your semblance since it was cooler....

(F/N): Now. For your information, I'm working. How about you? Aren't you supposed to be back in Beacon, studying? As to answer your previous question, I'm supposed to meet up with my client who needed information about some criminal activities that has been going down here in Vale.

Well, I'm supposed to meet up with the informant here, which is technically you are anyway. As for your client, he's actually Skylar Frostydia, my partner.

(F/N): Wow. Never knew you'd be partnered up with Alexei's son.....

You: Wait. You knew his dad?!

(F/N): Of course, I knew him, (Y/N). Everybody know's him, actually. We're sometimes partnered up to go on missions involving Grimm activity. It's quite distressing that he was gone on his last mission. A good man he was.

While conversing you two decided to take a sit on the sofa near the coffee table, the candelabra with the only source of light in the dark room.

You: How's mom, Tasha and Zella are doing by the way?

Tasha and Zella were the names of your older stepsisters. Tasha was always the serious type, and Zella was the exact opposite. It's always fun for you when you see them bickering with each other every now and then when you were still in Patch, and how you would laugh when your stepmom would pinch their ears to stop them. Your stepmother was known for her 'almost regal' etiquette. It was the same reason why your father fell for her.

(F/N): Well, you know how your mom always is, always the life of socially related things in life. As for Tasha and Zella, I could only hope that they are holding up well in Shade Academy. I could've just put them here in Beacon or in Mistral, but they loved the sand, so I had no choice but to put them there. How about you? How's your life back in Beacon.

You smiled before you began how your life started well at Beacon. You told him all about the things that happened at the initiation, and how fun the the days went by. You told him all about the problems you have faced as a leader of your team, and since he was a team leader himself during his 'youthful years', he gave you some pretty good advises. But by the time you told him you got yourself a girlfriend, your father won't stop asking thousands of questions like, "How old is she?", "Is she beautiful, cute, or smart?" and whatnot. With the time slowed down, you can already assume that this is going to be a very long day.

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