Vol. 5 Ep. 1 - Welcome to Haven

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After Qrow has finally been fully healed, your father, Ruby and others decided to visit to Azures in their palace to personally give them their gratitude. The two Azures told the Qrow and the others not to thank them, for they just did it because they are friends with the Timekeeper.

Unfortunately for Qrow and the others, they weren't going to expect something a bit more... sinister from the Azures.

Qrow: Well, it has been a pleasure, tiger, but we better get going.

Linna: Oh, you're not leaving.......

In an instant, guards started marching inside from every entrance, with half of them blocking the doors. Ruby and the others nearly drew their weapons, but (D/N) told them to keep their weapons holstered and stand their ground as the other half of the guard in the room pointed their naginatas at them.

Linna: .....yet.

Qrow: What the hell is going on?! Don't tell me you've sided with---

Linna: Oh, no no no. I wouldn't stoop to something so low as siding with her. Trust me, we still both have the same enemy.

(D/N): Then why the hostility, Linna?

Linna: I can assure you, (D/N). It's more of a personal matter. As it has come to my attention, you and the others know where my daughter is. My husband and I know that you, Qrow, and these students have met Tealle. You were lucky that there was a meeting earlier or else we would have hold you a little bit longer, (D/N).

Just outside the palace, a swirling white portal suddenly appears, and the two guards that were standing near the gate cautiously approached it. When they saw you come out of it, the guards were dumbstruck as to what just happened.

You: Are Qrow and the others here? You know, guy with the black, spiky hair, dull red eyes, and reeks of alcohol most of the time.

They both said that he is inside the palace with a couple of kids about your age as well as the Huntsman known as Timekeeper. They opened the large gate for you, and went inside.

Back inside the palace, Qrow recognizes the snow flurry floating inside. When the flurry settled down on the ground, anomalies of living flesh began to take form. And then you stood there, surprised to discover that the Azures are holding the others in.

You: What in the.... What the heck is going on here?!

You were about to draw your weapon from it scabbard from your back when, guards pointed their spears towards your neck.

(D/N): It's okay, son. Let's just talk with them.

And so, the Azures reveal that Tealle was not sent to Beacon and that she ran away. Tealle was kept at home for her safety. This fact surprised you and the others, as you all looked at each other with worried looks.

Ren: So, you imprisoned her.

Linna: We did not! Now, the reason we know Tealle is with you is we saw our daughter in the Vytal Festival Tournament with your son, (D/N), which I can also assume that he is her team leader.

Toshio: This also means the other students might know were Tealle is. As her team leader I'm gonna ask you, do you know where Tealle is?

You: I'm sorry, but no. I don't.

Actually, you know Tealle is with Blake, but the only downside of that is you do not know where they are now exactly. Linna frowns at you for a short period of time when, a falcon guard, wearing a dark blue samurai armor arrives. You noticed that this particular soldier is completely different from the guards inside the room. In fact, you can even sense a stronger fighting spirit from the guard.

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