Vol. 2 Ep. 7 - Dance Dance Infiltration

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Claire: Is it just me or is that an Ursa dancing just outside the window?

The night was going really well. Random students schmoozing at the dance, Bartholomew Oobleck is listening intently as Peter Port laughs over some unheard anecdote. Ozpin is standing off to the side with Glynda Goodwitch until General James Ironwood offers his hand for her to dance with him.

 Claire asks her question to Tealle, who is eating a cupcake she got from the buffet table. Claire crosses her arms against her chest as she stares firmly at the Creature of Grimm outside the window of the building. Funny enough, it didn't seem hostile as it appears to be dancing along with the music. Tealle chokes on her cupcake and promptly goes crossed-eyed for a moment as she gazes the said Grimm in utter shock.

Tealle: Wh-Wha... D-Don't you think we should--

???: Just leave it.

They turned towards the sound of the voice to find Sky walking up to them, before stopping right beside them.

Sky: I already have some of General Ironwood's soldiers to look after it, but I ordered them not to engage unless it is spooked or it engages first. Besides, nobody seems to be noticing it. Plus, General Ironwood doesn't want to cause a scenic panic. So, let's just leave it at that, shall we?

True enough to his words, the students even the school staff, were too occupied with the occasion that they don't seem to notice the Ursa completely.

Tealle: That's weird.... But fine by me, I guess.

Claire: Ditto. But I'll keep my eye on that thing.

Sky: (Shrugs) Suit yourself.

Tealle: Where's Cap, by the way?

Sky laughs as he turns his head behind him, looking unto the crowd of dancing students.

Sky: See for yourself.

They all turned to where Sky was looking, or more like laughing at, to see you and Ruby slowly waltzing. The reason why Sky was laughing is that Ruby won't stop stepping on your toes for every 5 full seconds before stepping on it again. You were't really enjoying this as though a tear is about make its way out of your sockets, much to your team's amusement.

Claire: Haha, you don't see that everyday.

Tealle: I hope cap didn't get blisters on that...

Sky: Indeed.... Well, enjoy the rest of the night guys. I'll just have a talk with the General.

Claire: I'll hang out with the girls for a bit.

Tealle: Maybe, I'll just go get more cupcakes....

With that, your three teammates went on to their separate ways. Meanwhile, when the final note in the music was stroked, you had finished dancing with Ruby and you both stepped off the dance floor. You looked over at Ruby, who looked clearly exhausted, and slightly bashful, obviously guilty for stepping on your toes almost all of the time.

Ruby: I-I'm really, really sorry, (Y/N)!

You: It's okay, Ruby. Really. It's just that... what happened back there? You already forgot everything I taught you?

When you mentioned this, her entire face went slightly red for a reason. She began shifting uncomfortably in her feet as she fiddles with her fingers in nervous.

Ruby: It's just that.... I was just lost on how graceful and poise you are when you danced that it... it made me...

Knowing what she meant you slightly laughed at her nervousness before gently patting her on the head.

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