Vol. 6 Ep. 2 - Uncovered.

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"We need to take the Relic to Atlas?"

Teams RWBY, JNPR, MSTC, along with Linna Azure and Qrow Branwen, are seen back at the Azures' house in Mistral. The group that had gathered was quite the sight. Ruby and (Y/N) started their journey to Mistral with a team of five. Now, they stood amongst what could only be considered a small army.

Teams RWBY and MSTC were finally reunited, alongside the remaining members of Team JNPR. They had Qrow, (D/N) the Timekeeper, Oscar (With Ozpin's soul inside him), and joining them on the fray is Tealle's own mother and (D/N)'s old teammate, Linna Azure.

(Y/N) is seen polishing his weapon, Sky, who is still in his 'Stormlight' disguise is seen examining Claire's brace, Ruby, Ren, Yang, Tealle and Weiss were packing up, and Jaune was healing Claire's arm. Linna and (D/N), on the other hand, were inside Oscar's bedroom, looking after him.

Going back to Ruby's question, her uncle Qrow answered, "That's what Oz said."

Almost immediately, everybody looks to Weiss and Sky. They both stopped at what they were both doing and frowned,

"You've got to be joking....." Weiss blurted in surprise.

"I mean, bright side, we finally get out of this house!" Nora nonchalantly commented, eager clearly present in her voice.

Weiss sighs at this, while Stormlight rebukes her, "I know what you mean, Nora. But you could at least understand the extreme drastic measures and decisions we had to make to reach Mistral?"

"Well trust me, I'm not crazy about it either." Qrow agreed, "And without the Spring Maiden here to seal the Relic back in its Vault, it's our best option."

Jaune halts his amplifying semblance on Claire, giving him a grateful nod. She tries flexing her arm a little,


But even that smallest movement made her arm still hurt. When Stormlight was done fixing Claire's brace, he walked up to her and handing out the brace. Claire reaches for it, but Stormlight retracts it back.

"Quick question: How long have you been using your brace?"

Claire gave him a confused look. "I have been using the brace ever since I got it. What's the big deal?"

Stormlight lets out an audible sigh, "Then you've been pretty much aggravating your injury, instead of letting it heal. The brace only suppresses the pain and lets you still control your arm normally, but that doesn't mean your injury is still healing, Claire. I'd suggest you stop using this for now and heal."

"You know I can't do that. Now give it here." Claire stretches out her uninjured hand.

Stormlight turns his attention towards their team leader, (Y/N).

"Look, Storm. If we're going to reach Atlas, we're going to need everyone on their top shape. And the journey there is not exactly going to be safe." (Y/N) reasoned.

Stormlight nodded in understanding, reluctantly returning the brace to Claire. As soon she places the brace on her arm, the pain subsided and was able to let out a breath of relief.

"Atlas may be the safest kingdom we have at the moment, but their borders are closed." Ren stated.

"Yeah. Last I heard General Ironwood called everyone back to Atlas." Claire commented, flexing her arm a bit.

"Eh, not everyone."

Qrow brings his scroll and activates it, showing a hologram of a highlighted portion of land north of Anima.

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