Vol. 6 Ep. 3 - The Lost Fable 2

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"The battle between Salem and Master Pastoria that has transpired was long and fierce as The Land of Darkness shook and rumbled."

Qrow, Linna, Teams RWBY and MSTC watched in awe as they saw how Master Pastoria was able to hold his ground against an immortal being. Silhouettes of Pastoria and Salem are seen as their magics clashed, before a flash of bright light engulfs the entire place.

"But with each resurrection, Salem grew stronger and stronger, while Pastoria became weaker and exhausted. After countless magical bouts, even with Pastoria's formidable and peerless magical strength and skill, Salem finally defeated her powerful foe in battle."

Pastoria is then seen weakly leaning against a boulder, before collapsing down on his backside in exhaustion, his entire body battered and bruised, along with a few singed skins. Some of his apprentices rushes to his aide, while some others hold the Grimm back.

Salem is then seen resurrecting a few meters away from them, before slowly approaching them with a menacing glare. The apprentices raise their weapons against her.

"No! You won't survive a fight with her! Leave me!" Pastoria commanded with a strained voice. "Teach others what I have taught you! Go! Run, you fools!"

With great reluctance, the apprentices abandoned their master to his final doom as they escaped the wretched place.

"I must admit, you were a formidable foe, Master Pastoria." Salem admitted. "You're not called a 'master' just for show, after all."

"Spare me the talk, woman, and be done with it." Pastoria spat, closing his eyes, awaiting for his doom to come.

There was a long pause.

"No." Salem flatly stated, before continuing, causing Pastoria to open his eyes in confusion. "It's evident that even with my immortality, you are much much more powerful than I am, Pastoria. And it would be a shame to die now and let your talent go to waste. You would make a fine ally."

She takes out a small glass phial of dark purple liquid with red streaks of lines from her robe.

"I would rather die than allying myself with you!"

"Let's agree to disagree."

She then motions her hand, and a glyph with her symbol appears underneath Pastoria. Multiple hands made out of Grimm flesh come out from it and grab Pastoria, forcing him down. Salem opens the phial and forces the liquid on Pastoria's mouth. After a while, Pastoria begins to choke violently grasping his throat as if its on fire.

(Y/N) watched as Pastoria's body twisted and contorted in pain as he thrashed himself on the ground, clearly seeing that whatever Salem forced him to drink, it brought him unimaginable pain. Changes were happening on the sorcerer's body. His skin was being robbed of his healthy color as it turned ghostly pale, the irises of his eyes burned red, while his sclerae turned pitch black. Dark purple veins formed and lined his face and arms.

He lets outs a loud, pained scream to the skies before he suddenly collapses and stays still, seemingly lifeless. Salem frowned at her failed attempt of bringing the powerful sorcerer to her side. It was apparent that whatever she had made was a concoction made to submit him to her will. But with Pastoria, lying lifeless on the ground, it was obvious her plan failed. With a disappointed sigh, she turned and started walking away. That is until she heard movement behind her.

"And where do you think you're going, you vile witch!!" It said in a contorted voice.

Salem turned and saw Pastoria suddenly standing. His entire body was surrounded in a dark menacing aura.

"Changed your mind, Pastoria?"

But Pastoria didn't speak, instead he just lunged at her with his spear in hand, relentlessly striking her everything he has with pure ferocity and savagery, his once methodical and disciplined form of fighting being nonexistent.

"Salem's plan had backfired. Instead of having Pastoria as her ally, she created a monstrous creature filled with hate. Her concoction merging with Pastoria's magic made him stronger and faster than he ever was, but at the cost of his will."

Pastoria stabs Salem with his spear, but Salem reforms herself and fires magic at Pastoria. Pastoria, ignoring his lance pushes Salem's magic back with a powerful beam of energy and the beam incinerates Salem. Salem, once again, reforms herself, but Pastoria entraps her in a dome made of stones and prepares to blast Salem with another beam of magic, but Salem bursts the dome open, distracting Pastoria with flying stones. Salem grabs Pastoria's staff as Pastoria charges as Salem, roaring in anger. Salem blocks Pastoria's swipe with Pastoria's lance, breaking it in two. The shadow behind (Y/N) shows Salem blasts Pastoria by surprise and stabs him with the broken lance as (Y/N) looks in horror.

"And thus, Master Pastoria was slain. As for Ozma..."

Qrow, Linna, Teams RWBY and MSTC are suddenly shifted into a new environment. They were on a rustic tavern filled with drunken people, who are either being merry or being rowdy for no apparent reason. On the bartender's counter was a man they saw back in the Land of Darkness, who served as one of Pastoria's students, drinking heavily on a bottle of alcohol, and next to him, leaning on the counter, was teenage boy.

"I see. So that's how you lost your mentor. I'm so sorry for you loss, sir."

"Yeah, well. If you want to make it up to me, buy me another drink and buzz off!" The man, who was apparent that he was once Pastoria's apprentice and best student, yelled as he shoved teenager. He had fair skin and a silvery white hair, wearing a traveler's cloak. On his hand, was a peculiar cane.

"You know what? I'm gonna offer you a deal, mister." He suddenly said, sitting on the stool beside him. "I'll buy you any drink, anytime you want it and wherever you want. But in return, you're going to teach me."

"Teach you, what kid?"

"Teach me how to fight, like you. Like you how your mentor taught you."

The man scoffed. "And what makes you think I would ever teach you, eh?"

"Because your mentor would want you to teach others what he taught you, right? "

The man had a thoughtful look on his face as he stared at the teenager. He sensed a powerful potential and great determination from him. He had to admit, he was clever when he used his own mentor's words against him. He turned to the boy.

"What's your name, kid?"

"Zoroaster. It's just Zoroaster."

To (Y/N), he instantly knew that this boy was Ozma's new reincarnation. How else would Jinn know this if Ozma hadn't listen to the apprentice's tale of his mentor's passing? And the voice matched Ozpin's voice.

Puffs of smoke suddenly appeared yet again as the scene changed. Now (Y/N) and the others were in a thick forest and saw the boy, now a young man carrying the same cane from before walking among the woods.

"Ozma decided to start a new life to forget about his past life. During Ozma's new life, he came upon a peculiar encounter in the woods outside of a nearby village."

True enough, they saw a little boy waving his hands around, bursts of colorful streams magic flying from his hands and into the air. They were astounded as they knew humans after the first wave of humanity we're no longer capable of magic.

Ozma slowly approached the boy. "Hello."

The boy quickly stopped using magic as he looked at Ozma. "H-H-Hello..."

"What's your name?"

"I-I don't have a name."

Ozma extends his hand. "Come with me."

The boy takes Ozma hand. "You're not scared of me?"

Ozma shakes his head "Of course not, Tip."


Ozma smiles at the boy "That will be your name."

"Ozma took the boy in as his own. He has learned that the boy's magic is similar to that of his old mentor."

The blue smoke changes the scene and Ozma talks with his mentor, who is now an elderly man, and Tip.

"He believed this boy has a connection to Master Pastoria. The boy revealed he was born with magic, but one day he became wrathful and unleashed destruction. Frightened, he ran away into the woods to find a way to master his magic. Although, Ozma wanted to learn more, he could not complete his study."

The blue smoke changes the scene and Stormlight witnesses Tip being pushed around by other kids Tip wanted to play with.

"Come on. Show us more of your magic!"

Stormlight became disturbed, but Tip suddenly screamed in anger and unleashed magic that blew the bullies away. Ozma came out of his mentor's house and saw Tip floating with glowing eyes. As Tip moved closer to one of the bullies to kill him, Ozma grabbed Tip's arm.

"Let go of me!" Tip boomed in a distorted tone.

"This is not what I--"

"Don't lecture me!" Tip shouted and pushed Ozpin back.

Tip attacked the bully, who started running away. Ozma tried to hold Tip back, but Tip pushed him to Ozma's mentor's house and Ozma defended himself with a knife. The mentor helplessly watched. Tip charged at Ozma and pierced Ozma with a magically enhanced hand thrust, but found himself stabbed by Ozma's knife. The mentor knelt down and wept.

"Ozma's cycle of death and rebirth continued."

A montage of Ozma's various reincarnates are shown, including a frail man weakly walking by many gravestones, followed by a despondent man walking in the rain, who would rather drink his problems away.

"Some lives were spent in mourning, many were spent attempting to forget it all."

Finally, Ozma reincarnates to a dark-skinned man with glasses who starts off slouching, but then eventually stands straight up and determinedly walks forward.

"But no matter what, his mind would eventually turn back to the task he had been burdened with."

Ozma's newest reincarnate is shown serving a meal to his wife and two children, both of whom interestingly have silver eyes.

"And as the centuries went on, Ozma began to learn the importance of living with the souls with which he had been paired."

Ozma then hears screaming outside. He opens the door and sees villagers running around in panic as Grimm attack.

"But no matter where or how he lived, her presence was always felt."

Ozma looks back to his wife, who nods in understanding, before going out with The Long Memory, Ozpin's cane, into battle.

"If humanity were ever to stand a chance at being united, one thing was clear..."

Ruby, knowing the answer already, said. "He had to destroy Salem..."

Smoke then transitions showing Ozma's reincarnation many years older now, tinkering with his cane in his workshop.

"Knowing he could never rid the world of her through any mortal means, Ozma sought out the power of the Relics."

The elderly tinkerer then places his cane inside a metal cabinet, closing the door on it. The door opens again showing Ozma's newest reincarnation, an dark skinned inquisitor, picking up the cane where he last left it in his previous life.

"During his search, he heard strange rumors. The rumor stated a person born with magic carries a dormant rage that wished for nothing but pure destruction and Ozma easily connected these rumors to Tip's rampage."

Ozma began to look into the distance with a determined look.

"Ozma wanted to know more about these magical people and if they are related to Master Pastoria. For the years that followed, Ozma learned that only one person was discovered to be born with said magical abilities in different generations When one died the magical abilities remain gone for a little while until a newborn with the same powers arrives."

In the background was a dark-haired girl with waving hair and glowing eyes who wrathfully unleashed a magic beam. Ozma changes into a thief and the background changes into an orange-haired girl with glowing eyes unleashing a storm. Ozma changes again into a blonde aristocrat and the background changes into a brown-haired boy with glowing eyes unleashing a magic blast. The blue smoke changes the scene into a village where Blake watches a snake Faunus boy run out the door of a butcher shop with stolen meat.

"This young boy, named Prasin, was born with magic, but was labeled a monster because of the rumors and was feared by many due to the actions of those before him. Abandoned by his parents, the boy became a thief."

Prasin was found by Humans who started to attack him as Prasin reluctantly defended himself.

"There's the monster!"

"Kill him!"

"The hate upon him made him feral for small amounts of time."

Prasin roared and unleashed magic with his eyes glowing. He killed those around him that ridiculed him. Linna watches in horror. Prasin, horrified at what he did, ran away, fearful of what he is. The scene changes to (Y/N) witnessing Prasin alone in the freezing cold, until he was approached by a boy dressed in warm clothing.

"What are you doing out here? It's cold." the boy says.

"Who are you?" asks Prasin.

"My name is Root Bern." Root wraps his coat around Prasin "What's your name?"

"P-Prasin. Are you a Faunus?"

"No, silly. I'm a Human." Root replies. Prasin backs away in fear. "Hey, I won't hurt you."

"But Faunus and Humans can't live with each other."

"Of course they can. Just come with me."

The two did not notice a wanderer in dark clothing watching them. It was Ozpin, who took out a book and began to read it. It was Pastoria's research.

"Ozma decided he had to learn more about this rumor while searching for the Relics. He also learned what his master tried to do. The last writing of his master was anger and a desire for revenge on Salem."

The scene changes to a village where Root introduces Prasin to the Bern Family. The scene changes again to inside the Bern family's home.

Prasin begins to explain "Everyone hated me because I'm some monster. They said someone with magic is a monster. I remember killing people, but I feel so angry and... I want it gone. I don't want to be-"

Mr Bern interrupts "We know the pattern. I think we can help you with that."

A knock on the door is heard. Mr. Bern opens it and Ozpin enters.

"This boy has magic, right?"

The Berns get in front of Prasin. Ozma remains calm. "Don't worry I won't hurt him. I just want to talk to him." He looks at the boy.

"What's your name?"

Prasin slowly walks to Ozma, nervous. "P-Prasin."

Ozma extends his hand. "I'm Henkle." Prasin shakes Ozma's head. "I know about your magic and I can teach you how to control it."

The scene changes to Ozma writing notes about Prasin, who is practicing magic with Qrow watching.

"Ozma immediately learned that this boy is not the reincarnation of Tip. He suspected it was too good to be true. But he decided he needed to know more. So, he began to teach Prasin how to control his magic, hoping to not repeat his failures with Tip and to learn more about how people came into possession of Master Pastoria's magic. He even told Prasin and the Bern Family about who Master Pastoria was, but the story's purpose was to gain their trust in order to use Prasin's magic to help him learn about his master's magic."

The group arrive at the cold field where Root found Prasin, now a teenager. The Bern family stands back as Prasin concentrated and unleashed his magic to its full potential, opening 4 portals, much to Prasin's surprise. Ozma enters the Winter Realm and was unaffected by the conditions due to his magic and finds the girl.


The scene changes to Ozma, staring in shock, being in the Spring Realm, then the Summer realm, and finally the Fall Realm.

"The avatars became aware of themselves. They learned what they are after discovering they could do almost anything in their realm. To Ozma's surprise, they learned what happened to Master Pastoria and he asked to be shown what happened."

Suddenly the daughter's eyes began to glow and the girl enters a trance-like state. The scene warps into an empty void with all 4 four girls in trance-like states with glowing eyes. Ozma finds himself in a memory of Salem forcing liquid down Pastoria's mouth. Pastoria twitched, screamed, and changed color until he laid dead. Salem turned and started walking away, until Pastoria got back up and attacked Salem. The fight continued until Salem killed Pastoria.

"Ozma learned the concoction Salem made somehow altered Master Pastoria's magic to transfer to a newborn after the current wielder dies. The rage was born from the concoction that amplified Master Pastoria's anger. Ozma trusted the family to help end the rage connected to the magic."

The scene then changes to the two boys trying to buy food.

"Get out! I don't understand how people like you could keep a monster around." The baker yelled.

The two boys leave and someone throws a rock to Prasin's arm. Prasin stares that the people ridiculing him. Root looks at Prasin with concern. "Prasin, calm down."

Prasin changes into a wrathful state blowing away Root and killed those who feared him with Tealle looking away in horror. Prasin calms down and looks at what he did in horror. Mr. and Mrs. Bern arrived and Prasin does not look back. "It's true. I am a monster!"

Mrs. Bern comforts him by hugging him. "You're not a monster. You just couldn't control it."

Prasin looks back, crying. "I hate this! What do I do?"

Mr. Bren walks up. "No doubt they'll want all of us dead. We have to leave."

The scene changes and a mob formed to kill Prasin and the Berns. The two boys ran, while the parents were killed. Ozma looks and the bodies of the parents, horrified, and closes his eyes in sympathy.

"Ozma joined the pursuit, but with the intention to take the boy away."

The scene changes again and pursuers caught up to the two by shooting Root's shoulder with an arrow. Prasin turns back to Root, but Root gets killed by a sword, horrifying Ozma. Prasin runs to Root.


Prasin pushes back the pursuers with his magic and knelt at Root's body, and began to cry. Ozma approached with members of the mob. Prasin looked up and saw Ozma with the mob and felt betrayed. This sent Prasin into rage, he killed his pursuers and Ozma. Prasin roars and flies away.

"Feeling betrayed, Prasin had killed Ozma, but the hate was too much for Prasin to handle and it turned him permanently feral. He became a creature of destruction. It was at this moment, that Ozma decided to take extreme meaures. He had to kill the boy to stop him from causing any more harm."

The scene changes and warriors, with a reincarnated Ozma in knight armor, battled the wrathful Prasin, with Claire and Yang watching.

Yang remember want Raven told her. "Mom..."

"During this battle, Ozma discovered the weakness of those with the rage."

A female silver-eyed warrior in a blue cloak unleashed the power of her eyes, stunning Prasin and somehow weakening him. Ozma runs up, a sword in his hand, and kills Prasin with it, with a sorrowful look on his face.

Claire remembers what Infra told her. "Aunt Infra..."

"To Ozma, it was an act of mercy. The discovery of the boy sent him on a path to continuously search for the next wielder of Pastoria's wrath to use that person against Salem and resumed his search for the Relics."

As Ozma walks away, he changes to a well-dressed man.

"Armed with my knowledge, he believed he could fulfill his promise to the God of Light."

Ozma is next shown holding the Relic of Knowledge, summoning Jinn for the first time. All of Teams RWBY and MSTC can be seen with him as they walk towards Jinn.

"He asked me his questions."

"Where are the other Relics?"

"What powers do they possess?"

"And though I gave him my answers..."

"How do I destroy Salem?"

"...not all of them were to his liking."

Teams RWBY and MSTC watches as Jinn gives her answer to Ozma.

"You can't."

Upon hearing this, Ozma falls to his knees in despair, Ruby, Stormlight, Weiss, Tealle, and Blake all have shocked expressions. (Y/N), Yang, and Claire close their eyes in anger. Ozma remains on his knees as Jinn disappears before him. The setting transitions Ozma to his current reincarnation, Oscar, who lowers his head in sadness as the snow falls once again.

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