Volume 5 Character Short

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Skylar Frostydia's Character Short

Atlas| Frostydia Manor | A Year Before attending Beacon........

A 16-year old Skylar is seen working inside his laboratory, fully clothed in his laboratory work clothes and safety goggles. His eyes solely focused on his work involving a particular weapon. A weapon for his bestfriend, Weiss Schnee. Electrical sparks flew in every direction as he welds the metallic materials into the rapier.

After finishing the metal works, he starts working with the intricate engravings. For a normal weaponsmith, anything that involved intricate engravings is always a hard work, but for Sky it was easy as sketching and faster thanks to his Semblance. And in a manner of approximately fifty minutes, he was able to finally it completely. All he needed to do now was test it.

Although as he was about to do it, he hears the doors to his lab whir in motion, followed by the clinking sound of heels and something metallic approaching him.

???: Already finished with Weiss' weapon, I see.

Sky recognize the voice and knew who the person was that entered his lab. He places the rapier back down on his worktable as he faces his mother, who was wearing her formal business clothes and her signature staff in hand.

Sky: Almost. I still have to make a short demonstration before I could say it is really complete. What brings you here, mother?

Liliana: As you would know about a week ago, students of the Elementary Department from Atlas Academy will be having a field tour on one of our company's main building. Seeing as you are the heir to our company, I was hoping you could help with the tour.

Sky: I see. What time will they be arriving?

Liliana: Actually, they are already at the company.

Sky: Then there's no time to lose.

With that, Sky activates his Semblance. Liliana watches as his sons dashes around the lab, rearranging every tools and equipment he had used and putting them back where they were, and placing the rapier Sky has made for Weiss safely in a tempered glass display case. After seeing everything was clean and in order, Sky removes his lab coat and safety goggles, places them neatly on a nearby table. He then grabs his silver coat hanging near the entrance and puts it on.

Sky: Alright, I'm good to go.


As soon as Sky and his mother arrived, the students were really surprised at the silver-haired boy's sudden appearance since they were only informed that the CEO of the Company will be only the one personally touring them. Needless to say, they all wanted to have a picture and an autograph from the famous weapons designer, much to the young man's chagrin to his mother, who just giggles in amusement at her sin's predicament. After the students were satisfied with their pictures and autographs, they started the tour.

The elementary students would occasionally gasp in awe and talk amongst themselves excitingly as they walked along the labs and workplaces throughout the building. The students watched in wonder as they witness how even the most advanced weapons were made and the designs they used to make them. Much to Sky and Liliana's relief, the children weren't scared of the Faunus passing by, and they even complimented on how cute their ears and tail were, while some of them even played with them for a short time. After a few mishaps, they continue their tour.

Sky: As for everyone's information, almost all of the weapons that future Atlas Specialists, which will also include all of you in the future as well, were made in this very building. Now---

But before Sky could even finish his sentence, a loud bell ring is heard, signifying it's already lunch time. Lab scientists, businessmen and women, and workers alike are already scuffling around to grab some lunch on the cafeteria inside the building.

Sky: Right then. We will continue with the tour shortly after we finish our lunch. And after the tour, we will be teaching you on how to create your first weapons. But after you're finished, we will be holding onto them for now, due to underage inappropriate possession of weaponry.

Needless, all of the children whined in dismay and disappointment.

Children: Awwwwww~

Sky: Of course, once you have matured enough to handle your weapons, we will be giving them back to you. Not only that my mother and your truly will be personally supervising, and maybe even help you as you create your very own weapons. Does that sound agreeable to you all?

The children exclaimed in excitement as they began discussing what kind of weapon they would be making. Sky watched in envy as the children talked among themselves and enjoyed each other's company, laughing and smiling with each other. Despite being friends with Weiss, the smiles he saw made him feel empty. Sky smiled to himself bitterly as he and his mother went off to grab some lunch for themselves. Little what the silver-haired boy didn't know, his mother noticed his facial expression and became worried about this.

Liliana: Are you alright, Skylar? You look upset.

Sky shakes his head as to say it's nothing.

Sky: It's just..... They look so close, aren't they?

His mother tilts her head in confusion for a moment before she turns her head to where her son is looking, and sees the children enjoying each other's company.

Sky: I'm just wondering if I could also have friends like that. Friends who don't see you as The Skylar Frostydia, an heir to a world-famous company, but instead of just...... Well, me.

Liliana: But you are you, Skylar. And the latter part, that's also a part of you.

Sky just sighs downheartedly as he watches the people walking and passing by as they head towards the cafeteria. Inside his mind, he starts to wonder how it feels like to be like all other people or Faunus: a normal person.

-----Present time-----

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