Vol. 4 Ep. 4 - Family

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Yang is inside a nightmare. All around her are broken pieces of buildings and darkness. She is lying on the ground completely wounded. She struggles to lift her head up to see Adam Taurus, a few meters away from her, strangling Claire in the air. Claire struggles to turn her head towards Yang. Her delicate face was bruised up and bloodied. Adam then turns to Yang as well. He grins and he starts to unsheathe his katana from its sheathe.

Yang was able to figure out Claire's lip movement, mouthing for her to run. She shakes her head furiously as she tries to get up on her feet, and desperately tries to limp her way towards them. Adam reels his katana back, then impales Claire in her abdomen.

Yang awakens with a gasp. She is in her room, lying on top of her bed. The robotic arm given to her by Sky, which was delivered by her bestfriend Claire, rests on her bedside table, out of the box. Yang looks at it for a moment before turning her face away. She then hears laughter coming from downstairs.

Yang heads downstairs to discover Professors Oobleck and Port, and Claire, who is now seen without her hat and coat, wearing an arm sling since her brace is still malfunctioning, sitting at her kitchen table and laughing with Taiyang.

Port: And, and, and then, in comes Qrow, wearing a skirt! I was just a TA, I-I didn't know what to do, so I just... I just left the room to laugh!

Yang comes to the kitchen door while the four laugh.

Taiyang: We told him it was a kilt! He'd never worn a uniform before, so he didn't know!

Oobleck: That is terrible! What is wrong with you!?

Taiyang: Hey! The girls all said he had nice legs! I did that jerk a favor! People laughed when they saw him in a skirt, but not for (D/N). Oh, no. He was straight-up annoyed, since he was the Student Council President at that time. But, that's not even the best part! See, then he-

Port then suddenly puts his right leg on the tabletop, cutting off Taiyang.

Port: "Like what you see?"

The four burst out in large fits of laughter, until Professor Oobleck decided to impersonate your father at what he did back then.

Oobleck: "What are you doing in a skirt?! Change into your proper uniform, right now!"

Port retaliated in a mimicked, snobbish manner.

Port: "You're just jealous that I'm getting the attention of the ladies and you can't."

There's even more laughter. Taiyang claps from mirth and Port joins in the hilarity as he fells down on the floor out of sheer laughter. Yang giggles too, covering her mouth, but Claire and the three teachers become alerted to her presence. Oobleck stands while Port gets up off the floor. Claire, on the other hand, just remained in her seat.

Port: Oh, uh, Miss Xiao Long! Uh, please, join us.

Yang enters while Oobleck laughs, a little bit embarrassed.

Oobleck: Oh, yes, yes, pull up a chair. Please, pull up a chair.

Yang: I'm good. Still here, Claire?

Claire: Yeah well, I can't exactly just go around with a broken arm brace, can I?

She retorts as she raises her slinged arm. Yang shrugs her shoulders as she hoists herself backward up onto the kitchen counter, beside where her father stands. Port and Oobleck sit then back down on their chairs.

Yang: So, what are you doing here?

Oobleck: Despite popular belief, teachers do have a life outside the classroom.

RWBY: Male!Reader x Ruby RoseWhere stories live. Discover now