Vol. 4 Ep. 2 - Remembrance

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With a gasp, Ruby open her eyes. She's lying in a red sleeping bag in a clearing on some woods. Nora, Jaune and Ren are also in sleeping bags around a long burned-out campfire. Ruby sits up and looks around. Birds can be heard tweeting and all seems peaceful. Ruby, however, puts her hand to the side of her head and sighs as though she's in pain. It was silent until her eyes were drawn to your sleeping bag, where you were tossing and turning with a pained look on your face.

Ruby: (Y/N)?

She quickly rushed over to you, grabbing you gently by the shoulders.

Ruby: (Y/N)?! It's okay! It's just a nightmare! (Y/N)! Please!"

You: Onyx! No!

Your eyes suddenly opened, and you sat bolt upright, with your hand stretched out as you unintentionally let out a chilly air around you, unfortunately waking up the others. After realizing it was just a dream, your breathing relaxed as you rubbed your forehead. The others got up from their sleeping bags and went over to you.

: Are you alright?

You: I'm... fine, Ren. Just some really bad nightmares.

It seemed more than a nightmare to me, (Y/N). I'm worried. And who's Onyx?.

Your eyes widened in surprise as you heard Ruby ask about the name.

You: I..... would rather not talk about it, Ruby.

You averted your gaze, trying not to make eye contact with her. You didn't want her to get involved in this, since this was only your problem, as it is your fatal flaw.

It's okay. We're here if you ever need someone to talk about it with.

You: We.... We should just get moving.

They all nodded as they went to their sleeping bags and prepared everything they need for the journey ahead, a look of concern still on Ruby's face, as she watched you packing your sleeping bag. You set aside how you felt about the dream for now as you started packing your sleeping bag, and started preparing your gear as well.


When Weiss was called by her father, she walks alone in the hallway, never having looked up the entire time as she makes her way there, until she has a startled reaction to hearing her brother's voice coming from right in front of her.

Whitley: Good afternoon, sister.

A teenage boy, somewhat younger than Weiss, stands before her. He's got his hand on his chest and he affects a bow.

Whitley: A pleasure to see you out of your room for a change.

Weiss sidesteps him and turns to speak, and since he moves to face her the effect is that of the two of them briefly circling each other.

Weiss: Hello, Whitley. You're in a cheery mood today.

Whitley: Klein made crepes for breakfast.

He then clasps his hands behind his back and smirks at her.

Weiss: What do you want?

Whitley: I heard Father shouting with someone in his study earlier.

Weiss: Mother?

Whitley: No, she's already drinking in the garden. I think it was a man. I also heard a woman's voice inside.

RWBY: Male!Reader x Ruby RoseWhere stories live. Discover now