Vol. 5 Ep. 4 - Lighting the Fire

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  Yang is seen riding her motorcycle with the Shady Man through a forest in Anima.

Yang: How much further, pal?

Shady Man: This should just about do it.

With that, Yang stops her bike at a clearing.

Shady Man: You wait here. I'll go up ahead and make sure the coast is clear.

The Shady Man dismounts from the bike and runs into the bushes. Yang shakes her head in annoyance and discards her sunglasses, sleeve and coat tails before stretching a little. Suddenly, someone pulls the trigger of a gun and Yang blocks the shot with her robotic arm. The Shady Man reappears with several bandits in tow.

Shady Man: I can't believe you were dumb enough to let me lead you here.

The bandits present all have their weapons drawn at Yang.

Yang: Is this everyone?

Shady Man: Yes, little lady. This is it. Well, unless you count the whole rest of the camp back that way.

He gestures behind him with his thumb. Yang points a finger in the same direction.

Yang: That way?

The Shady man grunts in confusion, before looking at his tribe mates first.

Shady Man: Yes. That way.

Yang: Good to know. Thanks.

Shady Man: Now to pay me back for this tooth, we're going to take your bike. And you're going to take your lumps

He punches his fist as he says this to prove his point. Yang glares at them as she activates her gauntlet on her left arm, making the bandits get cautious and keep their weapons trained on her.

Shady Man: You got the jump on me last time, sweetheart. But you really ought to think twice about fighting all—

He cuts off when Yang engages the gun on her robotic arm. The rest of the bandits gasp and step back in slight fear.

Shady Man: Alright... Get her!


Claire is seen outside the camp, patrolling the perimeters until something caught her vision. She narrows her eye at the hiding figure a few meters away from her, and recognizes the garb they were wearing. It was the leader of the Tengu group she fought earlier. When the assassin knew their cover was blown, he retreats.

Claire: Hey!

Claire then gives chase until they were a little bit far from the camp. The assassin looks back and sees the wine-haired girl catching up to him. When he looks back again, she's gone. The assassin looks confused for a second and then suddenly he was swept off of their feet. The next the assassin knows, sharp claws were already near his throat. The assassin raises his hands in defense.

Assassin: Peace, sister. I only want to talk.

Claire raises an eyebrow at the assassin before retracting her claws. The assassin gets up and pats off the leaves and twigs that were on their cloak.

Claire: What do you want from me?

Assassin: Information, about the woman who you are working for. As well as our late sister-in-arms, Infra Claret.

Claire instantly glares at the assassin.

Claire: Aunt Infra was an honorable Huntress, not a cold-blooded killer.

Assassin: Intriguing. Did she, perhaps, not told you about who she was before she became a Huntress?

At this point, Claire had enough of the assassin wasting her valuable time, making her activate her claws and point them at the assassin.

Claire: Cut to the chase! What are you trying to say? And what's Raven got to to with this?

Assassin: Impatient, I see. There's no need for violence, I only came to speak to in peace. Now why don't you put those away?

The young wine-haired mercenary gives the assassin a skeptical look before she decides to comply, and deactivates her claws.

Assassin: Good. Now, Infra Claret was once a high-ranking member of our clan, and before her death, she was last seen with the woman whom you are working, Raven Branwen.

Claire: So, Raven does know something about how my Aunt died. She also said your clan and their tribe used to have a.... connection?

Assassin: Correct. However, our Clan have cut ties with the Branwen Tribe a few days just after Infra died.

Claire: Why?

Assassin: After her death, we were determined to find the cause or any kind of information that may link to her death. We infiltrated one of their camps that confirmed her death, and found out Raven was not the reason she died.

Claire: How did my aunt died then?

Assassin: It is still unclear, unfortunately. But that doesn't mean we still trust her. And neither should you, Sister Claire.

Claire: What did you just call me?

Assassin: Your blood carries the legacy of your ancestors that became the key members of our clan. It is only natural for us to call you our sister-in-arms. An assassin. Leave Raven and her tribe, join us. Where you belong, where your ancestors belonged.

Claire: Tempting, but no. I still have a mission of my own, and this is my only chance in completing it. Try to stop me, and I won't hesitate fight back.

The assassin bows their head in shame.

Assassin: If you so wish it, Sister Claire. We will still continue our skirmish with the Branwen Tribe. I only hope we don't have to cross paths when that day comes.

Before Claires starts to walk away, the assassin calls her back.

Assassin: A warning: Be wary of the one that calls the power of the thundering skies that guards the Branwen Tribe. I bid you farewell, Sister Claire.

With that, assassin walks away. Claire watches as the assassin leaves, but when she blinked her eyes, the assassin was already gone. Claire only shakes her head as she returns to the camp. On her way back, she hears a fight nearby and proceeds to investigate.


Just a couple of meters away from the camp. Stormlight wakes up from his short slumber, feeling mostly better.

Stormlight: Still have to find Weiss....

He grabs his things and proceeds to continue his way towards the camp. On his way, he hears a fight going on. He investigates and sees Yang fighting bandits.

While Yang was busy fighting the bandits, she doesn't notice another storming up behind her. Before she could even react, she hears a gunfire and the next thing she knew, a straight, single-edged katana flies over her head and hits the bandit directly in the head. Yang then sees someone in a dark coat then dashing forward, catching the sword mid-air before giving the bandit a series of kicks as he resheaths his katana.

In an instant Yang begins to panic at the sound of the katana being sheathed, as she becomes reminded of Adam. Her eyes immediately become red and attacks. Stormlight is surprised at her sudden outburst and barely outmatches her. But thanks to his methodical thinking and the blonde's reckless fighting style, he manages to pin her down with his foot on her stomach, and with his katana on her throat.

Yang, upon seeing the person clearly, wearing an outfit completely different from Adam, starts to calm down, her eyes returning back to its normal lilac color. After noticing her calming down, Stormlight gets off of Yang and sheathes his weapon back.

Stormlight: Have you calmed yourself down?

She cautiously steps back from him, while holding her trembling left arm.

Yang: I'm.... fine. Who are you?

Stormlight: My name matters not. I'm only someone searching for a friend I was suppose to protect, and I may need your help.

Yang: I don't know.... The last time I ran into a masked man with a katana, he.... took a part of me.

She says this as she stairs down at her robotic arm.

Stormlight: I see....

The two then suddenly hear the sound of someone clapping before a familiar voice followed afterwards.

Claire: That was nicely done.

They turned towards the place where the sound originated and found Claire, standing on a branch of a tree. The Shady Man who fought Yang then grins evilly at the blonde.

Shady Man: You're going to get it now, blondie. Hahaha!

Yang just ignores the man as her attention, as well as the masked man beside her, are directed at the young mercenary.

Yang: I came here to see Raven, Claire.

Claire: I know. I mean, why else would you be out here? But...

Claire jumps down from her tree and lands elegantly right in front of Yang, giving her a cocky smirk afterwards.

Claire: If you're want to find Raven, you're going to have to go through me. Let's see if your days of trying to find your way here has paid off for your fighting skills. No weapons, no Semblance. Just fist.... against fist.

Claire takes a decent distance away from Yang as she then adapts to her offensive stance. Yang notices the masked man beside gripping his katana, but she scolds him

Yang: Stand back. I can take her.

Stormlight: As you wish.

Stormlight agrees and keeps his distance between the two. Claire takes the initiative by jumping up in the air, attempting to go for an axe kick, but Yang raises both her arms to block the attack. Claire jumps back, only to be intercepted by the oncoming blonde. Yang performs a side flip kick, but Claire rolls to the side and sweeps Yang off her feet. Claire swiftly follows it up with an axe stomp, but Yang quickly rolls her body away from the attack and hastily gets back up on her feet, and the exchanging of blows continues.

Even though Sky has seen them spar back in Beacon a lot of times, it still fascinated him how they were so in sync with each other's movements, not to mention how they were not holding back their punches. Since he was in disguise, he pretended to be interested in the fight, whilst having a hostile aura for Claire for what she did with Weiss.

Yang does a roundhouse kick on Claire's head, but she uses her arm brace to block the attack. Claire moves forward, doing her own roundhouse kick. Yang joins both hands atop each other to block Claire's landing foot, and pushes it up and back. Claire regains her footing in a flip while Yang waits for her landing. Using her robotic arm, she lunges for a hit, only for Claire to smirk and intercept her. Using her arm brace, she jabs Yang on the chest hard enough to put her down. Claire flexes her arm brace as she gives the downed blonde an impressed look.

Claire: You really didn't hesitate at that one, huh? If I've been careless, I would've lost.

She offers her hand at Yang, and she grabs it, helping her up.

Claire: Alright. Follow me if you want to go Raven. You can take the guy with you.

Yang then turns towards the masked man.

Yang: Do you?

Stormlight: I don't see why not. Besides, the person I'm looking for might be there.

Shady Man: Wha--? You can't do that! When Raven finds out about this, you're all dead!

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