Vol.3 Ep. 9 - PvP

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You: Come on, Claire. Pick it up, pick it up, pick it up, pick it up!

You were standing before the door as you started pacing back and forth, your popcorn still in your hand, untouched. As soon as you heard that Pyrrha was fighting against Penny, you knew what was about to happen, so you decided to call the ones closest to the arena's entrance, which were unfortunately Tealle and Claire, that's why you are trying to contact Claire and Tealle..... For the 4th time. Meanwhile, Claire picks up her Scroll, grumbles at how persistent you are, and was about to reject the call when Tealle's hand went to grabbed her wrist to stop it.

Claire: Tealle! What are y--

Tealle: I know you have a grudge on our leader, but no matter what you do and no matter what you think, he's still our leader. I'm sure it must be something important. I mean, why would Cap even call you so many times despite rejecting his calls?

As much as she'd hate to admit it, but her Faunus partner is right. But just before she could talk back at her, her Scroll was snatched out of her hands.

Tealle: Oh, for Grimm's sake, Claire! Just give that to me already!

She stopped her partner just before she could reach it and answered the call.

Tealle: Hello? Cap?

You: Tealle! Thank the gods, you guys finally answered. What took you?!

Tealle: Well, Claire was behaving rather...... out of place.

You: Yeah, I get that she's still mad at me and Sky, but listen: You have to stop the, match!

Tealle remained silent for a moment, out of shock, before she literally shrieked....

Tealle: WHAT?!?! But--

You: I know it's a crazy idea, but I'm having this feeling that Mercury and that green-haired friend of his are still here in Vale.

A-Actually about that.... Emerald is two levels below us.

You: I knew it! Which is all the more reason why you two have to stop that match pronto or it'll be like Yang's accident all over again! or even worse!

Tealle: J-Just calm down, Cap. I get it. But how can we stop it exactly?

Ask Claire. If she's having the same feeling as I do, then you guys will have no problem on what to do, because Claire knows her way 'around' gaps.

Tealle: B-But---

Look, we're losing time here, and I still have to find Ruby. Just do what you guys have to do to stop that match by any means necessary. I trust you two on this. Good luck.

When you ended the call, Tealle remained silent as she just stared at the Scroll. Claire then inquired her about it.

Claire: Tealle, what did the Cap say?

Tealle: Cap told us to stop the match.

Claire blinked as she stared at her partner in incredulity, not only because of that, but also the way on how she delivered it so bluntly.

Claire: I-I'm sorry, what?

Tealle: Cap told us to stop the match! H-He says you'd know what to do since, "You know your way 'around' gaps." he said.

At that moment, Claire beamed and started laughing.

Claire: Hahaha! FINALLY! There's my decent Leader right there, Tealle. This feeling's been literally killing me for hours. Come on, I know what he meant by 'Around the gaps'. Give me your hand.

Tealle: Uhm, what?

Claire: Give me your hand. We can't exactly get pass the problems if we're seen, right?

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