Volume 4 Character Short

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In the old Coliseum below in the ruins of Vale, a white-hooded figure, is seen trekking through the snow-covered ground of the arena, with a sheathed shirasaya katana on his right hand, and beeping tracker of some sort on the other. As the beeping became faster, it was clear that person was nearing its goal, until it finally beeped into a maximum rate. The figure turns of the tracker, and puts it inside its coat, as he removes the hood of its cloak, revealing a silver-haired boy in his late teens, and a determined look on his face. Just then, a static was heard from the boy's earpiece, as he talks to it.

???: The place looks clear, Sky. But you better hurry. Grimm may not be around these parts, but you mustn't let your guard down.

Sky: Thanks for the update, Winter. Just steer clear of any contacts you may come across.

He crouches down as he begins digging through the deep snow.

Little what the people of Atlas knew, even its council members, Sky had originally built an underground route, which leads into a secret air dock that is only accessible by bio-metrics. Thanks to the fact that their mansion was located near a cliffside, this helped him a lot as this was the only way to at least help his friends. But he had to be cautious, as escaping would cause a large disgrace to the family he loves.

It took him a while to finally uncover what he was looking for. grabbing it out of the snow, he dusted off the snow from the once face of life-like android who wished nothing more than to be just a normal person, in flesh and blood. Penny Polendina. Sky felt remorseful as he stared at the lifeless robotic lenses of Penny.

I.. I'm sorry, Penny. But I'm gonna need something from your head.

Sky closed his eyes and hesitantly cracked the metal head open with brute strength, and out if came falling an electronic chip. Sky placed the splitted head back into the snow, and picks up the chip. He puts his hood back on, and just as he stood up, he heard the sound of gun loading.

???: You there! Drop your weapon, and put your hands behind your head, or we will shoot!

Sky: Drat...

Winter(Over Comms): What is it?

Sky: My cover's compromised.

Winter(Over Comms): The whole place is completely overrun by raiders. I've estimated at least 40-50 hostiles in the area.

Sky: Oh, how I like those odds. Make the shuttle ready for departure at Exit Point B of the Coliseum.

Winter(Over Comms): Sky, you're not planning to---

Sky: Trust me, Winter, I am. And besides......

Sky slowly places his hand on the handle of his katana, smirking, half of his face covered by the hood.

Sky: That's how the Plan B works.

With that, Sky activates his Semblance and slashes the weapons of the raiders before subduing them, prompting the others to open fire. Sky subdues at least four or five more raiders as he makes a run for the Exit, but the raiders had already rigged the exit with explosives, and the whole exit collapsed. Sky stopped instantly, barely escaping the explosion radius. Sky evades the incoming bullets and activates his Semblance again as he subdues more raiders.

Sky: Winter, route me an another exit, they just blew up Exit Point B

Winter(Over Comms): Affirmative, head towards Exit Point C, northeast of the Coliseum.

Sky: Copy.

Sky makes a quick break for the other exit, but just like the other one, it suddenly exploded just before he could reach it. But it wasn't just that, all exits were blown, there was no longer no way in and out of the area.

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