Vol. 2 Ep. 5 - Extracurricular

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Inside Beacon's large cafeteria, Sky is seen sitting alone in the long table as he slowly eats his lunch while reading a book. You were nowhere to be found inside the place as you were having an important call with your dad inside your dorm room, while Claire and Tealle were still taking their lunch. Just then, someone slams their tray on the opposite side of Sky's table. He looks up from his book to see Claire taking a seat.

Claire: Man! That line was long.

Sky: Hmhm... I could tell.

He says as he glances at the long line that was going. Just as he was about to go back to his lunch and read, he saw Tealle coming their way, waving gleefully. At least she was when she is suddenly tripped by Cardin and his goons, who started laughing at Tealle's trip. Claire and Sky were angered when they saw this. Claire rushed to her partner's aid, who began to cry slightly, while Sky slammed his book down the table hard, while shouting Cardin's name out loud.

Sky: CARDIN!!!

His sudden outburst rang out through the cafeteria. He slowly walked towards Cardin and his team, a dark aura seemingly emitting from his as he strut his way. When he was at an earshot,

Sky: That's it! I've had enough with the lot of you causing trouble to Tealle. How about we settle this on Glynda's Class on a Sparring Match? 4 against 1. Me against you and your whole team, Cardin.

This gave Tealle and Claire a complete surprise, as they widened their eyes in shock. The students inside the cafeteria 'oohed' as Cardin glances at his teammates who had a look of agreement on their faces. Cardin grins wickedly as he turns back to Sky.

Cardin: It's a deal, Frostydia. You're gonna regret doing this.

Sky: I could say the same to you, Winchester.

With that, Cardin and his team walks away from the cafeteria. Claire release her hold on Tealle and approaches Sky. But before she could even get close, he was already out of arm's reach as he left the cafeteria as well. Right after, you came inside the cafeteria and approached your remaining teammates.

You: Hey, what'd I miss?

Claire told you the whole story about Tealle's predicament, and the whole situation that went with Sky and Team CRDL, how Sky nonchalantly challenged his whole team
on a four-against-one match.

You: HE WHAT?!


Now let me be clear, when one's Aura is depleted, they would be susceptible to serious injuries; and as students of this Academy, you are expected to conduct yourselves accordingly. So to demonstrate this, we will have an exhibition match between Pyrrha Nikos of Team JNPR and (Y/N) (L/N) of Team MSTC.

Both teams, along with Team RWBY, cheered on for the two of you as you both nodded at each other respectively. You both walked out of the stands and went to get ready. You put on all your battle garments, along with your modified bulletproof trench coat. You tightened the straps on your boots and fastened your utility belt on. You took (W/N) from your locker and strapped on your back. When you were all set to go, you began walking out towards the arena.

You and Pyrrha stood on the opposite sides of the arena as you both took your fighting stances.

Pyrrha: This is going to take long.

Don't sell yourself short, Pyrrha. I might not even last a few minutes with you.

Pyrrha: Heh, I try.

Glynda: Ready? Begin!

She instantly lunged for you right after that second, but you saw it coming and you evaded. Following up, you used your snow flurry form to send her flying back a couple of meters. She composes herself in mid air and stabs her weapon into the ground to stop the force. You charged towards each other and began swinging each others towards one another. Miraculously, you were able to parry almost all of her attacks before knocking her back with a kick.

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