Vol. 2 Ep. 12 - Breach

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Meanwhile back in Beacon, Team JNPR, along with Tealle and Claire, walks out of the school entrance at dawn towards their Bullhead, while Jaune was trying to worrying over the fact that Ruby called on his out of nowhere that night.

Pyrrha: I'm sure they're fine.

Jaune: You think?

Nora: Probably a butt dial...

Ren: Team RWBY has always performed exceptionally in the field. We should be focusing on our own mission.

Claire: He's right. And with Sky and (Y/N) as their protectors, they should be totally fine, considering those two always look out for each other

Nora: We're gonna be deputies!

Tealle: Oh, I really can't wait!

Pyrrha: You've been saying that for three times now, Tealle.

She laughs in amusement as she said this, much to Tealle's embarrassment as she smiled sheepishly.

Jaune: I just got this feeling... I don't know.

Pyrrha: Jaune...

Then suddenly, alarms ring out in the distance. They all turned towards the to see the city up in smoke.

Jaune: We're changing our mission. Everyone on board!

As the team heads toward their Bullhead, Jaune does a headcount.

Tealle: Aw.... No deputy duty?!

Jaune: Don't worry, Tealle. We'll make it to that village another time. Take us into the city!


You: Keep your pressure on that wound, Sky! Just hang on!

You were supporting Sky as you kept him steady to walk out of the debris and unto a higher ground, with his arm slung around your neck, his other hand hardly pressed down to his wounded abdomen. You froze the wound to keep in intact, but his warm blood kept melting it. Yang and Weiss kept their best to clear the Grimm out of the way, with Ruby and Blake staying at your and Sky's side, while fending off the Grimm as well.

E-Easy.... for you.... to sa-- Argh!

With a pained groan, you fell down with Sky as he crouched down and grimaced in pain, while painfully clenching his wound. You, with the help of Weiss and Blake, kept him back up on his feet, froze the wound a little bit, and kept moving. Just then, a beowolf emerges and pounces over you, but Blake makes quick job for it.

Blake: S-Stay back!

You: Weiss! Right!

Weiss quickly turned at that direction and stabbed a Beowolf before it could attack her, killing it. You were holding Sky's weapon with your arm that was supporting Sky, with your weapon, in its revolver function, on the other. Unknown to Ruby, you saw four Creeps running directly behind her, but you gunned them down with ease before they could reach her. She turned to look at you and nodded as a thanks and kept slashing down more Grimm. After a few minutes of struggle, you and the others found yourself in the middle of the collapsed courtyard.

You gently placed Sky down while you tore a cloth from your shirt. You froze his wound up again, before you wrapped the cloth around his waist, and gave him his weapon back.

You: Can you still fight?

Sky: I-I'm.... sorry, Cap. I can't exactly.... run around wildly..... with this wound now, can I? I'll just use Twilight to at least provide some firing support.

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