Vol. 1 Ep. 8 - Players and Pieces

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Hey Everyoooooone! It's Nehpets here. And welcome back to another episode of our RWBY: Male!Reader x Ruby Rose! This was a bit of a rush as I tried to finish it as fast as I could, because I was already late for school.

And just to make things crystal clear:

RWBY belongs to RoosterTeeth
The story belongs to me
And you belong to yourself

Hope you fellas enjoy!

LET .....

=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=Up in the blue sky, Weiss Schnee and Ruby Rose are seen hanging on to something very feathery and very fast, as evidenced by the loud wind and the two being blown sideways.

Weiss: (shouting to be heard) Ruby! I told you this was a terrible idea!

Ruby: (also raising her voice) We're fine! Stop worrying!

Weiss: I am so far beyond worrying!

Ruby: In a good way?

Weiss: In a bad way! In a very bad way!

Ruby: Well, why don't we just jump?

Weiss: What are you? Insane?!

She is met with silence; Ruby has already disappeared. Realizing that she had already jumped,

Weiss: Oh, you insufferable little red-!

Down on the ground in the Abandoned Temple, Blake Belladonna is still staring skyward and pointing for Yang Xiao Long to look up.

Yang: Blake, did you hear that? What should we do?

Suddenly, you and Sky exploded out of the woods and skidded to a halt next to the two girls. You gave your snow horse one last groom on its neck before you thawed it, and landed next to Yang. You nodded at her.

You: Hey!

Yang: Uh... hi?

Sky: Good day.

Ruby: (falling right towards them, finally getting Yang's attention) Heads uuuuuuuup!

Just as she's about to hit the ground panicking, Jaune Arc comes flying through the air. Yang , Sky, and Blake heard the sound of ice cracking in your vicinity until they realized you just dematerialized yourself in snow. Just before Jaune could hit the 'Little Red', A swirl of snow seemed to have grabbed Ruby from harm's way, As Jaune was flung into a tree. You rematerialize and fell back down towards the others, carrying Ruby bridal-style.

You: You okay?

Ruby was silent for a moment as she got her head around what happened.

Ruby: (Y/N)!!!

She wrapped her arms around your neck and gave you a big hug.

Ruby: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

You: (Weakly) Ruby... you're... strangling me....

She then realized how tightly she was hugging you,ans releases her hug from you as she looks down in the ground out of embarrassment.

Ruby: Oh, sorry.

Blake: Did your sister just fall from the sky?

Yang: I...

Before she can continue, several crashing noises are heard in the forest ahead of them, and an Ursa comes out, claws swiping, just as a pink blast of energy hits it in the back and it crashes to the ground, depositing its rider.

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