Vol. 4 Ep. 7 - Punished

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After the his sudden outburst on the party, Sky hides from sight, but is furious with himself for doing something stupid that made the belief of him being insane look true.

Sky: Should've just kept my mouth shut. Like I how I always did back then.....

With great utter frustration he slams his fist on the wall his leaning on, cracks appearing upon impact. After calming himself down, he suddenly becomes confused as to where he is.

Sky: Where am I anyway?

He takes time to survey his surroundings until he finally recognized that he was at the Schnee Manor's backyard, with the knowledge of knowing Weiss' room just above him. Sky just sighs to himself regrettably as he leans on the wall behind him, crossing his arms while doing so. Then suddenly, his enhanced hearing caught the sound of footsteps on Weiss' room. Intrigued, he tries his best to use the ledges on the wall to climb up. After finally reaching the window's ledge, he peeks in and saw Weiss sitting on her bed with her head bowed and her hands folded in her lap. Her father, Jacques, pacing in front of her.

Jacques: Unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable.

Jacques suddenly stops, then turns and points at her.

Jacques: Do you have any idea what your stunt cost us? Standing up in defense for Liliana's son?

Weiss: I—

Jacques: And don't think I'm just talking about Lien here! Our reputation! Our... our...

Jacques sighs angrily and holds his head, unable to come up with the words to finish expressing the gravity of her mistake. Sky watches as Weiss waits for a moment before speaking.

Weiss: I want to leave.

Jacques: I beg your pardon?

Weiss: I said I want to leave. I don't want to stay here anymore. I don't want to stay in Atlas anymore!

Jacques: Young lady, I don't give a damn about what you want! This isn't about you. This is about the Schnee family name and your apparent insistence on dragging it through the mud!

Weiss: I have done nothing but fight to uphold the honor of my family name, a name that you married into!

Jacques slaps Weiss hard on her left cheek, sending her head to the side as she gasps in reaction. Sky had to fight the urge to barge in through the window and intervene, but he knew better not to make the situation worse as it is.

Weiss puts her hand on her slapped cheek and turns to face her father, looking at him a little incredulously as she lowers her hand. He looks right back at her, unrepentant. When he begins speaking again, his voice suddenly sounds calm yet intimidating.

Jacques: This behavior of yours is incredibly disappointing. You couldn't possibly understand the lengths I've gone to in order to keep this family where it is. You think running off like your sister is going to make the Schnee name stronger? You're wrong. Siding with her only divides us. And siding with Skylar will only ruin the family reputation.

Weiss: I'm not siding with anyone. I'm siding with Sky because I know that he was not behind the attack. I'm doing what I feel is right, and that does not include wasting my time up here...

Jacques walks away, rolling his eyes as his daughter finishes her rant.

Weiss: ...with these clueless people in Atlas. The Schnee family legacy isn't yours to leave. It's mine, and I'll do it as a Huntress.

RWBY: Male!Reader x Ruby RoseWhere stories live. Discover now