RWBY: Male!Reader X Ruby Rose - {White}

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 Hey guys! Welcome back to another part RWBY: Male!Reader X Ruby Rose, where today Weiss and an (O/C) will be introduced compliments to the "White" Trailer. I really really appreciate the support as much as I could see from previous ones I made, especially the Chibi one. Anyways, while I was coming up with the right idea on making this part, I had a major breakthrough. Instead of an (O/C), I will introducing my character in this part. How great is that? I get to be in your team, Mr. Reader! And before we begin,

FAIR WARNING: This one might be longer than expected.

And just to make things crystal clear:

RWBY belongs to RoosterTeeth
The story belongs to me
And you belong to yourself

Anyways, here's the story. Hope you guys enjoy!



???'s POV

It was just one normal evening when I was comfortably lying under the covers of my king-sized, canopy bed. Even though I was sleeping, I felt a tingling sensation in my left ear as if it was being breathed in. Then all of a sudden...........


That made me jump right out of my bed, and fall against the carpeted floor whilst rubbing my said ear from such ringing. I turned my head above only to see my mom with a death stare plastered on her delicate face while crossing her arms over her chest.

Skylar: OW!! Mom! Seriously?! You could've just shook me, or anything, minus the 'shouting in my ear' kind of thing. You already know I'm not much of a deep sleeper.

Skylar's Mom: Oh really? Then would you care explain to me why you didn't wake up 2 hours, 30 minutes, and 12 seconds ago? It's already 7:30 in the evening!!!

Skylar: Huh? But I set the alarm---

I turned to the alarm on my nightstand to see my mom was right, I now only have 30 minutes before the concert starts. I strongly smacked my forehead with my palm when I realized I forgotten that the alarm on the clock was broken.

Skylar's Mom: Get yourself cleaned up. I'll get the maids to bring you the clothes you're going to wear for tonight.

Skylar: I can take care of my--

But before I could even finish what I was saying, I turned to see my mom only see her left before closing the door. I just sighed to myself, knowing I couldn't argue much with her. So without further ado, I stood up from the floor, took a towel, and went straight to the showers.

3rd Persons' POV

Skylar Frostydia was born as an heir to the Frostydian Armaments and Weapons Company which his mother, Liliana Frostydia, controls. The company does not mistreat Faunus heritage, you could thank his grandmother for that, since 1/4 of the workers in the company are Faunus. The weapon company is currently tied with the Schnee Dust company, famed for being one of the largest producers and exporters of Dust, while the FAWC is famed for being one of the largest manufacturers of weapons that are used to kill the Creatures of the Grimm.

When Skylar stepped out from the bathroom, he found a pair of black slacks, a white, long-sleeved shirt, a black waistcoat, and dinner jacket neatly folded and placed on the bed with a pair of black leather shoes below the bed. After a few minutes finally got dressed into his slacks, shoes and waistcoat. But he didn't slipped into the required dinner jacket that her mother implied him to use, instead he took out his favorite silver, custom-made bulletproof trench coat. When his mother walked in seeing him in his usual coat, she gave him a disapproving look as she planted her hands on her hips.

Liliana: Oh no... You are not mostly certainly wearing that thing, young man. Besides I want you to look good for the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company.

Skylar: Don't I already look good? And besides, we're already late, mom. Plus, I don't have time for second thoughts.

Liliana: *sighs* Very well. But please do button your coat up, for Remnant's sake.

And with that he buttoned his coat up as they both made their way outside the mansion they were living in, where the limo was waiting for them. When they arrived at the White Castle, where the performance is being held, Skylar and his mom were literally running towards the entrance.

Skylar: Did we make it, Miss?

Receptionist: Oh! Mr. Skylar and Mrs. Liliana Frostydia! Yes, you made it just in time, sir.

Liliana: Thank goodness! Is our reservation is still in?

Receptionist: Of course, ma'am. Seats A-45 and A-46 are still unoccupied.

Liliana: Thank you very much.

Receptionist: Don't thank me, ma'am. Thank Mr. Schnee.

Liliana: I'll be sure to tell him that

And with that said and done, Skylar and his mother entered the giant central hall. They both took their seats on the very front row just as the announcer spoke.

Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome... Weiss Schnee.

The audience, which includes Sky and his mother, gave off an applause as she slowly enters the spotlight. A slow piano intro was heard into the background as Weiss closes her eyes as she listens to soft music. Then she begins to sing. Her soft, melodic voice completely filling the entire hall as she sings.

Mirror...... Tell me something..... Tell me who's the loneliest of all~?

Unbeknownst to Skylar is that while she was singing, she was having momentary recall of a specific day she tested her skills and her weapon, Myrtenaster, which Skylar designed and created as a personal request from Weiss and her father. Weiss didn't know about it of course. Until.............


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