Vol. 6 Ep 7(I) - More Questions than Answers/Grimm Reaper

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"So, where do you want me to start?"

(Y/N) is still coming to terms with the fact that he is talking to his partner's father, leaving him confused as he was supposed to be on their side, until he finally found the resolve to speak.

"This 'gift' you call it, what do you know about it."

"I have only bits of it, I'm afraid, but it's more than.... enough." He answered in a low tone.

"Before I... 'sided' with Salem, I have learned about your dark gift from Ozpin himself. I took it upon myself to study it though its previous owner, a leader of a clan of assassins."

"The Tengu Clan?" (Y/N) guessed, but Alex doesn't seem surprised by this.

"I'm not surprised you know about them. Infra's niece is in your team after all, and Infra herself was part of it." Alex added, before continuing. "I found it odd that the you started off with only the Winter Maiden's power as the first wielder of the gift, at first, started with pure magic, which caused me to reach to a conclusion."

"Which is?"

"The gift must have been tampered with by Ozpin."

(Y/N) shook his head at his, the pupils of his eyes slowly dilating, "Ozpin told me he still did not have all the answers about this."

Alex narrows his eyes. "Then Ozpin is either lying or someone other than Ozpin had modified the gift."

"But this doesn't really explain why (Y/N) is affected by Silver Eyes, because as far as I know

Silver Eyes hurt Grimm." Onyx commented, crossing her arms across her chest.

"My father told me because that it's because I had half of the Winter Maiden's power." The leader of Team MSTC answered, albeit in a monotonic tone.

Onyx raised a brow. "Do you think the Timekeeper was telling the truth? The Spring Maiden wasn't hurt by the silver eyes."

"I... remember him how it was a sensitive topic back in Haven. And from what Alex said, was my father lying the whole time..?" (Y/N) wondered clutching the side of his head with his hand, his mentality dwindling by the second.

"It should be obvious, isn't it? The Timekeeper works for Ozpin and sees you, his own son, as a disposable weapon."

At this point, (Y/N) did not even bother to think if his former significant other is lying or telling the truth about his father.


Meanwhile, Linna and the rest of Team have finally arrived back the estate. Stormlight skids to a stop as he catches his breath and tries to regain his Aura.

Linna lands back on the snow as she jumps down from using her Semblance, but unlike Stormlight, she seems to be doing well, as expected from a veteran Huntress.

Claire skids her motorcycle to a stop, turns off the engine, and hops off, followed shortly by Tealle.

"This place still gives me the creeps. Literally." Claire commented as she flicks her wrist, metallic claws protruding from her gauntlets.

"Alright, we'll split up and search each house." The Huntress of the group stated, bringing out her naginata.

"We have exactly five minutes to do so before the Apathy can affect us. So get to it quickly." Linna ordered as she sprints off.

Tealle, who just activated her weapon into its staff form, copies Stormlight's Semblance and dashes away, leaving trails of cerulean light. Claire activates her Semblance and slowly disappears. With a wink, Stormlight sprints to the nearest house leaving a trail of silver light.

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