Vol. 5 Ep. 9 - A Perfect Storm

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It is daytime at the Branwen Tribe camp. The leader of the tribe, Raven sits alone in her tent sharpening her sword, when Vernal suddenly enters, looking completely disturbed.

Vernal: Raven, we have a problem.

Raven: What is it?

Vernal: Salem's found us.

Raven's eyes widen briefly, before she composes herself from the sudden news, wondering to herself how they found her so quickly.

Raven: Salem... okay.

Vernal: Four of her followers are waiting to speak with you, and some of the Tengu clan are with them.

Raven: Right. We planned for this... Bring me my helmet.

Outside of her tent, members of the Tengu Clan, Cinder, Dr. Watts, Emerald, and Mercury all stand and wait while the bandits surround them, eyeing them carefully. After a while, Raven finally steps out of her tent with her mask on as she addresses her bandits.

Raven: I don't recall inviting so many guests into our home. Either I'm losing my memory, or you've all lost your spines!

Cinder: Don't be too upset with them, Raven. Your men simply recognized the power of a Maiden when they see it.

To prove her point, Cinder's eye glows and trails fire. Raven turns her head towards the band of Tengu assassins, giving them a menacing glare.

Tengu Group Leader: We've received word that Claire Claret, one of our own, was seen here. Where is she?

Raven: That's none of your concern.

Tengu Group Leader: Just like how Infra's death is not our concern?

The leader gives off a malevolent laugh, making Raven seethe her teeth in anger at him.

Cinder: We'd like to have a word with you, Raven

Raven removes her gaze from the Tengu group's leader as she turns to her tribe, addressing them:

Raven: Leave us. Pack your things, then break down camp. We're moving.

The bandits all leave to do so.

Watts: Little late to run and hide. You've been on our master's list for some time, so you must understand that we cannot allow you to slip away.

Raven: I know all about your master, but I don't believe we've met.

Mercury: We're the guys you should be afraid of.

Raven: I doubt anyone should be afraid of you.

Mercury: Oh yeah? Tell that to--

Cinder: Quiet.

Mercury stares back at his boss, hesitating for a moment before he decide to relent.

Raven: That's what I thought.

Cinder: I'm Cinder Fall. This is my associate, Arthur Watts, and my disciples, Emerald and Mercury.

Suddenly, some members of the Tengu become suspicious.

Cinder: And these are--

Raven: You don't have to tell me who they are, or who you're with. A lowly band of assassins for an escort, two children you've tricked into following you, a disgraced Atlesian scientist, and a Fall Maiden with a surname so appropriate, she probably picked it herself. Something tells me you've got more than a slight case of egomania, is that about right?

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