Vol. 3 Ep. 10 - Battle of Beacon

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----Flashback in Volume 1----

After dealing with the cops back in the docks, and after revealing Sky's now-current with Blake, you were on your way back to your dorms. Tealle and Claire decided to hang out around town for a while. As for Sky, you didn't know where he went after. But you figured he might already be at the dorm. True to your own thoughts, he is, sitting on his bed his head hung low as he seems to be in deep thought.

Sky: (In head) Penny... Where have I heard that name before.....

Taking up the opportunity of not seeing you yet, you decided to sit beside, when Sky felt one side of him getting off-balance, he nearly jumped in surprise, but soon calmed down when he saw it was just you.

You: What's up? Something on your mind?

Sky: Nothing's up, Cap. And there's nothing on my mind, besides sleeping. So, if you'll excuse me, I need to---

You: Yeah, I get that. But before that, is it okay if I could ask you a question?

Fire away...

You: You know, Penny's weapon appeared very advanced as it would be made by someone in Atlas. Did you, by chance, could've made those? Y'know, since you're pretty famous as a weapon designer for your company.

At those words, Sky had a sudden realization. He remembered that he developed Penny's Aura-Generator, but not her weaponry. He decided to keep this discreet by forcing a smile.

Sky: Haha, Maybe? I actually don't know, since I designed a lot of weaponry back in Atlas. But one thing's always for sure, the only reason why Atlas has the most advanced weaponry among all other kingdoms is probably thanks to me. Why ask me about it anyway?

You: No reason. It just figures, I guess. Welp, I'm off to sleep. Good night, partner.

With that, you decided to take a small shower before heading off to your bed and doze off, Sky on the other hand is still thinking about the fact that he finally remembered something very crucial.

Sky: There's no doubt about it, Penny Polendina, and the Top-Secret Project Polendina of the Atlas Advanced Sciences Division(A.A.S.D) with me being an Honorary member of it, it all fits. Penny is the main result of that project.

----Flashback in Volume 2----

After Torchwick and Neo escape from the highway battle, you all decided to head back to the academy with Sky still trying to apologize with Blake. Ruby was falling behind from the group, her face seemed to be deep in thought, so you decided to approach her about it.

You: Hey Rubes! Anything wrong?

She squeaks slightly by your sudden arrival at her side.

Ruby: Oh, n-nothing's wrong! Just fine.

You: So, how was your investigation a while back? Anything new?

Ruby: Nothing much, just a small meeting with Penny, and---

You: Wait, wait, wait. You met Penny?! When?

And so Ruby tells you how she met her at the CCT, how she fumbled with her Scroll, and drops its, until Penny picks it up and attempts to return it without any sign of recognizing her. She kept on rambling on and on about how she and Penny saw Sky's presentation about his new robots, how they escaped a couple of Atlesian guards, how Penny saved her by moving her out of the way, and stopping a truck with her bare hands. This causes to suspect even further until......

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