Vol. 4 Ep. 5 - Menagerie

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You were in a dream. You were surrounded in darkness, floating purple crystals were the only one lighting up your surroundings. You looked around, confused. You were then surprised when you see a familiar girl, who had a mixture of black and white hair and black eyes. Cautious, you took a few steps back. But then you noticed her eyes and skin were normal. She is normal.


She smiles at you affectionately as she raises her arms at you longingly.

Onyx: (Y/N).....

Without even having second thoughts, you smiled as you ran towards her and embraced her lovingly. Onyx returned the embrace with her own. Feeling her back into your arms almost felt too real. To her warm touch from the fragrance in her hair, you felt it all.

You: I missed you, you know. I thought you were dead.

Onyx only giggled in amusement as she embraced you even more.

Onyx: Silly as always. I'm right here, aren't I?

She lifts your hand up on shoulder level. You both stared at your hands as they connect. Onyx then leans into your chest.

Onyx: Hey, (Y/N)?

You: Hmm?

Onyx: You... still love me, right?

You: Of course, I do. As long as you don't offer your soul to some creepy lady.

You meant that one as a joke as you laughed, but you were confused when she didn't join in. Her head was lowered, her bangs hiding her face from you.

You: O-Onyx?

Onyx: That's...... too bad.

Your face made a perplexed expression as you heard her mutter it. Then you notice something was changing. Her arms that were holding were slowly turning deathly pale, purplish veins flowing across her arms. You also noticed she's tightening her hold on you, almost like she's crushing your body.

You: N-Nyx! Let go!

You struggled to pry her arms off of your body, but her hold was too rigid. She slowly raises her head at you, and you were horrified at what you saw. Both of the sclerae of her eyes were jet black and her irises were glowing dark red. Dark veins slowly pulsating near her eye sockets. She grinned at you maliciously.

Onyx: I already did.

She immediately lets go of you but before you could even react, she raises her arm and her hand suddenly extends into long, dark tendril grabbing you by the throat.

You: OO.. grrk... (gasps for air)....-nyx.. SStop... P-Plea.. ha... please....

Onyx: Oh, you poor, sweet love of my life.

She laughs malevolently as she slowly strangles you to death.

In the real world, you were lying in your bed, yelling, thrashing, and flailing your arms around as your friends tried to keep you in control.

Ruby: (Y/N)! Wake up! Please! Wake up!

Ren: Ugh! You hold him down!

Jaune: I'm trying to!

Nora: Gosh! Wh-Whoa! Hey! Watch where you're kicking! That's my chest right there!


Your eyes suddenly went wide open, and unintentionally let out a large gust of chilly wind around you, knocking Ruby and others on the walls around the room. You looked around to see the room looks it had been ransacked, with Ruby, Nora, Jaune, and Ren nursing where they are hurt. The door to the room slightly opened as the other occupants of the inn peeked though it.

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