Vol. 3 Ep. 7 - Beginning of the End

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----2 Hours Before The Match----

After Pyrrha and Sky left, you were just about to leave as well until you were called by your uncle.

Ozpin: (Y/N), may we have a word with you?

The fact that he said 'we' instead of 'I' left you uncomfortable, knowing this could be about your being as a son of Winter Maiden.

You: What is it?

Before he speaks, he turns to his comrades giving the encouraging nod, this confused you until you saw an apologetic expression on his face.

Ozpin: (Y/N), I know this may be a bit disheartening for you, but.....

He pauses for while, while you were waiting for him to continue with anticipation. Then...

Ozpin: We've decided to not let you join the upcoming one-on-one finals.

You: WHAT!?

You were downright shocked at the sudden decision.

You: Wait, wait, wait. You guys can't just---

Glynda: Please understand what we are trying to do here, (Y/N).

We don't want to arouse more suspicion about your being. Your fight with Qrow a few days ago was a close call to your revealing. We don't want to risk it again.

Qrow: And don't think I haven't saw your last match during the doubles round, kid. You barely held your mother's powers within you during the fight.

You were totally at lost for words, they were all correct. Honestly speaking, Qrow was definitely right, you don't know how he knows it, but he was right that you barely held the enormous power within when you were knocked out towards the ship, much more as it crashed down upon. Sighing in downcast, you finally agreed with them.

You: Fine, okay then. I guess I'll just have to send Sky on this one.....

Ironwood: Unfortunately about that, I instructed Sky to tell you that he will not be joining as well, so he could focus more about Amber's condition. He is the only who knows more on how to operate the machine, more than any of us could. This situation is clearly more important than the tournament, Mr. (L/N). Please try to understand.

Glynda: Why not send Ms. Azure instead?

You: Professor, you and I know both that Tealle won't last 2 minutes out there. She's dependent, more than any of us from the team.

Qrow: How about that hotheaded, red-haired chick? She seems to be up for it.

Ozpin: Yes. The way I see it, Ms. Claret's the fiercest fighter among your team.

You: Actually, Claire has been ranting about that. I guess telling her this could up the odds of her winning for the tournament. It's not actually a bad idea...


You: It..... was a bad idea. C-Claire! Get off! You're making a scene!

You clearly regretted that you said that it is not actually a bad idea to make Claire to advance to the one-on-one finals. Because the moment you said it to her, she dumped her whole body on you and won't let you go for 5 whole minutes now, while giving you endless kisses on the cheeks, much to Ruby and Yang's chagrin. Ruby was puffing her cheeks in anger, while Yang was scowling at her.

Ruby: Nnnngh! Claire! You're being unfair!

Yang: Claire! What in Ursa's claw are you doing to my sister's boyfriend?!?!

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