Vol. 1 Ep. 1 - Ruby Rose

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  Hey Everyoooooone! It's Nehpets here. And welcome to very first episode of our RWBY: Male!Reader x Ruby Rose! Sorry if I wasn't active for a while...things in school were little bit over the top right now. So, Yeah!

And just to make things crystal clear:

RWBY belongs to RoosterTeeth
The story belongs to me
And you belong to yourself

Hope you fellas enjoy!

After walking for who-knows-how-long, you decided to rest up a bit in an alleyway. You see you were planning in giving your uncle a surprise visit in his school, which is the school you are enrolled into now.
But just as you were about to take a breather, you saw Roman Torchwick and four of his henchmen , wearing black suits and red-tinted glasses, head down through the alley you are in.

You: *In head* What the heck is he doing here? And how did he escape again, anyway?! Well, better follow them if they're about to cause trouble.

His henchmen stop behind Roman, who reignites his cigar without touching it and grins before walking down the road, frightening nearby citizens as they make their way towards a shop called, "From Dust Till Dawn". You, on the other hand, decided to hide in a building while making a call for the Vale Police Department. They received the call, but they will be arriving a bit late.

Roman and his henchmen enter the shop, not noticing a young girl wearing a red cloak in the corner of the shop, reading a weapons magazine. The henchmen look around and at the Dust crystals in the display when Roman approaches the elderly shopkeeper.

Roman: (flicking his cigar) Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a Dust shop open this late?

One of the henchman points his gun at the shopkeeper.

Shopkeeper: (raising his hands) P-please! Just take my Lien and leave!

Roman: Shhh, shhh, shhh, shhh, calm down, we're not here for your money. (to the henchmen) Grab the Dust.

A henchman opens a case and removes one of several cylinders, which the group uses to take Dust from the tube containers on the walls.

Henchman 1: (placing another open case on the display to the shopkeeper) Crystals. Burn. Uncut.

The shopkeeper proceeds to fill the case. As another henchman goes for another tube, he hears a muted song from the girl's direction. He unsheathes his sword as he points it at her back.

Henchman 2: Alright kid, put your hands where I can see 'em.

However, with the girls headphones on, she can't hear him, thus having no response from her.

Henchman 2: Hey, I said hands in the air! You got a death wish or something!?

He goes over to her and turns her around, dropping the hood to reveal a surprised Ruby Rose, who is wearing headphones. He motions for her to lower them. Doing so,

Ruby: Yes?

Henchman 2: I said, put your hands in the air, now!

Ruby: Are you... robbing me?

Henchman 2: Yes!

Ruby: Ooohhh...

Roman is waiting for his men to finish the heist when a "Hey!" and "Hyah!" are heard, and the threatening henchman flies past him. Roman, who was just admiring an uncut red Dust crystal, calmly motions for another to handle the girl.

Henchman 1: (raising his gun at her) Freeze!

just then, the henchman and Ruby crash through the window. Roman and the remaining henchmen look outside to see Ruby standing up, unfolding her weapon into its scythe form. Ruby smiles at them before twirling her weapon around, and striking it into the ground.

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