RWBY: Male!Reader x Ruby Rose - {Black}

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Hey guys! It's Nehpets here. And welcome back to another trailer pf RWBY: Male!Reader X Ruby Rose. Actually making the Black trailer along with the O/C I'm about to introduce was a lot harder than I thought...
But regardless, Here it is guys!

And just to make things crystal clear:

RWBY belongs to RoosterTeeth
The story belongs to me
And you belong to yourself

Hope you fellas enjoy!


In a place near the Schnee Dust Quarry, a certain White Tiger Faunus is seen sneaking her way inside the cargo train that's about to deliver a shipment of Dust. She enters a random train car, and sighed in relief. She's wearing a teal sleeveless, collared, knee-length skirt that fades down to a sky blue of color, topped with a teal elbow-sleeved cardigan with her emblem stitched at the back of her cardigan, which resembles an ocean's wave. She also has some sort of magnetic plate strapped between her shoulder blades where she holsters her weapon, Shadowmoon, with its shaft made out of dark grey-colored Iron and the tip blade made out of Cerulean Iron.

What she didn't know when she got in, is that the train car was filled with inactive Atlesian Knight 130's. But she accidentally activated them when she set off the laser-tripwires on the floor. Their visors flickered as they began to power up, and when they did they surrounded her. One of the androids proceeds to transform its arms into Gatling guns and points them at her.

Robot: Intruder. Identify yourself.

She was about to reach for her weapon, but then she felt a sudden wave of electricity coming from her back that rendered her unconsciousness. One of the crew members had tased her, and rest was unknown....


Meanwhile, Blake is seen sitting on a rock located in a clearing within the forest of Forever Fall. Then Adam approaches her...

Adam: Blake, it's time...

Blake turns to him, and by the looks of it, she seems a bit uneasy, but regardless....

Blake: Okay...

Then the two of them began running through the forest before arriving in a cliff overlooking train tracks just in time to see a train appearing from behind the mountains. The two of them then leap off and slide down the side of the cliff, using the momentum to boost themselves up into the air once again, and onto the train. Midway through the air, Blake and Adam draw their respective weapons,and drived them into the top of the train to prevent themselves from sliding off. They sheath their weapons and continue along on the roof of the train. Upon reaching a hatch, Adam slashes the lock off with a mere sheath of his weapon and opens the hatch. The two of them jumped in.

When they were inside, the duo found themselves inside with inactive androids, who are then activated as the pair appears to have set off laser-tripwires from their entry.

Adam: Looks like were gonna be doing this the hard way...

The lights in the androids flicker on as their metal visors slide into place over their "faces", as they starts to surround the two faunuses

Blake: Don't be so dramatic...

Blake then stands up, ready to draw her weapon. An android proceeds to transform its arms into Gatling guns and points them at Adam.

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