Vol. 2 Ep. 3 - A Minor Hiccup

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You tapped your fingers on your table quite impatiently as you wait for Professor Port's lesson to end as tells one of his stories yet again and you've completely lost interest at it, surprisingly. You turned to look over at your teammates only to find them dozing off.

You: Tealle! Will you stop falling asleep? Professor Port's gonna give you a detention.

You yelled in a hushed tone as you shook the teal-haired girl sitting right next to you, trying to wake her up. She lifter her head up from her arms, her eyes still half-closed from drowsiness.

Tealle: Ugh..... I can't help it, Cap. It's just.. I mean, come on. We haven't had a decent rest last night. Look at Claire! Even Sky!

You gave your other teammates another look before sighing in disappointment as you pinch the bridge of your nose.

You: What am I gonna do with you guys?

You took a quick glance at your wristwatch to find out that there was now one minute left of the lesson. Lifting your head up from your watch you see Jaune slide over to where was is sitting Weiss. You smirked.

You: This should be interesting.....

You can't actually see the reason why he would fall for her, but to be honest with yourself, you wouldn't feel too bad if she finally said yes to one of his pick-up lines. It's evident to everyone except Weiss, which Jaune is head-over-heels for her; and it's actually quite nearly sad how she completely and intentionally ignores him.

Jaune: So, Weiss, y'know, uh, I-I was thinking after this, maybe we could go grab a bite to eat?

He turns to the teacher for a second, before then turns back around again.

Jaune: And, uh um, I-I've got two tickets to that new Spruce Willis movie, if you wanna make the trip to Vale. I hear it's awesome.

He pauses momentarily as his words still have no effect.

Jaune: Aaaand maybe after that, we could study together? I mean, you're smart and I'm, uh... Y'know.

You know how much attention Weiss was going to give him, and yet you thought it was a good attempt. He was trying to propose a date, and offered an activity regarding about his intellect. Just then the bell that always signify the end of a class rang, interrupting Professor Port in his story/lesson. When your team heard the bell rang, they literally shot up from their seats.

Port: And then I— Oh. Timed that one wrong, I guess. Well, the stunning conclusion to this story will have to wait. Until next time!

Jaune: Weiss? Uh... Did you hear me?

Weiss: (Not even looking at Jaune as she walks away.) No, no, no, yes.

You: (In head) Now that was just cold!

Upon hearing this, Jaune groans and does a face-plant into his desk. As you, your whole team, and the rest of Team RWBY walks out of class behind him, Yang ruffles Jaune's hair without even looking. while you patted him sympathetically on the shoulder.

Yang: One day.

You: Yeah, one day.

With that you all exited the class with Ruby and the rest of the team and headed to their dorm room to get ready. On the way, the sound of a Scroll ringing is then heard amongst yourselves. You all turned towards where the sound was coming from, only to see Sky fishing his scroll out of his coat while muttering a "Give me a minute", before answering his call.

Sky: Skylar Forstydia, speaking. Oh, good morning, General........ What do you mean you can't go? W-Wait. The presentation's today?! I-I mean... Wouldn't you be able to just present them yourself through holographic imagery? Hmm.... I see... Very well, general. I'll take care of the presentation for you...

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