Vol. 1 Ep. 11 - Jaunedice

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A fight between Cardin and Jaune had began a while back. You and Sky were on the high seats, while the rest of the team were below, along with Team RWBY and Pyrrha. Cardin Winchester with his mace perched on his shoulder and Jaune Arc opposite him with Crocea Mors drawn, leaning on his weapon as if exhausted, in the spotlight shining on the Beacon Academy auditorium stage.

He looks at Cardin, who laughs at his opponent's tiredness, and Jaune gathers his strength to charge forward and swing his blade at Cardin, only for him to jump out of the way. Jaune looks back, surprised, as Cardin's mace sends Jaune's shield - and himself - flying back.

This is a little bit peculiar. Jaune's fighting techniques are... well, non-existent.

You: Hmm... You're definitely right, Sky. I was quite curious how he even got into Beacon with those feeble skills.

Now only armed with his sword, Jaune continued to try and attack, but is blocked by the mace's hilt. Their weapons locked, Cardin forces himself up, towering over a struggling Jaune.

Cardin: This is the part where you lose.

Jaune: Over my dead----

Jaune is cut short as Cardin knees him in the gut, making Jaune drop his sword and fall to the ground in pain. Cardin raises his mace and is about to slam it down on a worried Jaune. You saw Sky was about to unsheath his weapon to stop it, but just before he could even get hold of the handle, you shot a jet of icy beam towards Cardin's hand, freezing his hand and making him drop his mace. He stares at his frozen hand, and looks up to you with a menacing glare, which you returned with your own.

Glynda: Thank you Mr. (L/n).

Cardin gives you one last glare before he relents and walks away as she comes onto the stage, tapping her tablet.

Glynda: Students, as you can see, Mr. Arc's Aura has now dropped into the red. In a tournament-styled duel, this would indicate that Jaune is no longer fit for battle, and that the official may call the match.

While Jaune still lays on the floor in defeat and Pyrrha Nikos looks sad, Glynda turns her head to look at the losing warrior as he pulls out a smaller tablet with his low, blinking stats and that of his entire team

Glynda: Mr. Arc, it's been weeks now. Please try to refer to your Scroll during combat. Gauging your Aura will help you decide when it's appropriate to attack, or when it is better to move to a more... defensive strategy. We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowolf, now, would we?

Cardin: Speak for yourself...

You: *Mutters* If he refuses to shut his mouth, I'm gonna freeze it for him....

Glynda turns to the seated and standing students, such as: Yang and Claire, punching the air in anticipation; Weiss, shaking her fists with an excited smile; and Ruby and Tealle, shaking their entire body with enthusiastic energy while squealing softly

Glynda: "Remember, everyone, the Vytal Festival is only a few months away! It won't be long before students from the other kingdoms start arriving in Vale, so keep practicing! Those who choose to compete in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale!"

The bell rings, and students start leaving while Pyrrha continues to frown sadly. Jaune, still sitting on the floor, hangs his head in shame. Sky, using his speed jumped down from the high seats, while you used your semblance, by turning yourself into a flurry of snowy clouds before reappearing below with Sky. You walked over to Jaune, who was looking in downcast, and held your hand out to him. He looked up and saw you smiling solemnly at him. He sighed before he grabbed it, and you helped him up. You gave a him reassuring pat on the side of his shoulder.

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