Vol. 3 Ep. 2 - New Challengers

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Well, this place certainly gives me back memories.

You murmured this to yourself as you surveyed the snow-covered forest in all its wintry, cold glory. Smirking at the advantage you have. Ruby seemed to know what you were currently thinking as you gazed at the forest. She didn't know it, but she was already smiling. Seemingly happy to have met you on such scenery and moment. 

Sky: Wait a minute.. I think I know who that blonde is. Was it Ashley? That's right! Ashley!

Claire: How come you know her?

Sky: I don't. She just happened to be one of the volunteers of creating basic weapons for the FAWC. Needless to say, she aced the training thanks to her Semblance in manipulating physics. She even helped out with some of the advanced ones.

You: Manipulating physics? Sheesh, are ranged weapon useless against her then?

Sky: You could say.

Claire: Tealle, you okay?You all turned towards Tealle to see her hiding her whole self away from the opposing team out of embarrassment behind Claire, with Claire trying to reassure her.

Tealle: Please..... Just condemn me to death already....

Claire: Oh, lighten up, girl! We get to fight your cousin, and kick her butt, don't you want that?Tealle: Of course I do! It's just that--- 

Port: 3...

You: (raising your sword) Come on, you guys! Focus here....

Port: 2...Tealle: ---I don't want---Port: 1...Tealle: ---to see her doing---

Port: BEGIN!

With that and out of nowhere, Marigold seemingly dashed a meter forward before dashing yet again in different directions. While doing so, she adapts a lot of alluring poses much to your and Sky's distraction.

Tealle: That.....

Claire: Oh..... You jealous?

Tealle: What?!?!

Claire only laughed as she got what Tealle is trying to convey. Compared to Tealle, her cousin had a more slimmer and slender figure that really complimented her outfit, and the fact that she was adapting those poses, it made her look even more sexier. Sky was the first to break from his trance, before he smacked you in the back of your head to bring you back to reality.

Sky: Focus, (Y/N)! And we both have girlfriends for Oum's sake!

You: R-R-Right. Alright team, on my signal: Fall back to the forest. We'll take them there. But for now, we'll fight them head on.

Sky: Roger.

Tealle: Got it.

Claire: Great plan, Cap.

All four members of MSTC charge forward, but only three fighters from CADY do the same; The boy with the white hair and aqua blue highlights, stays behind as he plants his large shield in a defensive position before firing his grenade launcher up at you and your team. 

You looked up, and attempted to push both Claire and Sky out of the way, but Tealle propelled herself in the air by firing a round from her weapon, and deflected the shots with precise aim with her staff.

Mary: Come to big cousin, Tealle~

Tealle: I so hate you.....

The cousins rushed at each other, Mary's dagger claws clashing against Tealle's staff, the both of them parrying each other's hits. After a struggle, Tealle was pushed back by a swift kick in the abdomen.

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