Chapter 1

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My name is Maya, and let me get one thing clear as day- I despise Klaus Mikaelson.  He has hurt me, Stefan, Bonnie and Caroline.  I honestly feel bad for his brother, Elijah.  Elijah is a good friend of mine, he is always loyal to his word.  Klaus is always around though, just to annoy me.  He has hurt Stefans' love, Bonnie just plainly hates him, and he chased Carolines love out of town, lastly Elijah... Well he is just a plain jerk to Elijah, and acts as though he is older and is in control of Elijah.  I mean when I first saw him I wanted to be close to him and such... But now its totally different, and different feelings.  Well now that you know most about me and my good friends... Lets get on with the story already.

I put on my leggings, long sleeve shirt, and running sneakers.  I walked over to my stand looking for a hair tie.  I sighed, "Mom where is my running hair tie?"

Now my mom... she is a complete jerk.  I absolutely hate the way she treats me but I have to love her, and I always treat her with respect... its just some days I wish that someone would rip her head off... yes yes I know what you're saying "Why would you say that about your mom?" but just wait until you see the things she has said to me.

"Maya Jane, I am busy with your dog!" She yelled back, thing was he wasn't even my dog.  My dog was Katie, hers was Greyson, the one she calls mine when hes being bad. 

 "Whatever...!" I called back then regretted it as soon as I said it.  

"What did you just say to me?" she was in my door frame within a second.

 "Nothing mum." I saw Greyson run into my room.  Greyson was only 6 months, but wasn't he annoying as hell.  I grabbed him by his collar and brought him out.

"You better not have," My mom replied.

See what I mean?  Jerk.

I ran into the bathroom and grabbed a random hair tie and ran to my front door, "Mom I'm going for my run, Be back soon!"

 "Alrighty," I looked in the living room and saw her decorating the Christmas tree.  I sighed as I walked out the door, put in my earbuds and began running I went about half a mile, then I slowed to a jog then a walk.  I turned and looked out around the road, then Klaus was there with a smirk on his face, "Ugh you again?!"

 He put his arms behind him, "Yes, me again."  I sighed as I fixed my hair and looked at my phone at the next song playing.  

"What do you need, Klaus?"

 He shrugged "Just simply bored." 

I groaned "You always bug me when you're bored.  Can't you go bug Elena or something?"  

I didn't really get along with Elena, I mean we agree on some things but most of the time we slightly hate each other.

"No, I'd rather bug you.  You're reactions are more humorous."

 I shook my head, "Klaus I am kinda busy at the moment."

 He looked around smirking, "Running?" I nodded as an answer.  "I run everyday, sweetheart.  It is nothing, just keep even breaths, obviously." I rolled my eyes and began to jog away from him and put in my ear bud.  I looked to my side and saw him keeping an even jog with me, I pulled out my earbud 

"What now?" I asked still running, he stuck his foot out and tripped me.  As a habit I stuck my hands out ready to catch my fall, but his hand wrapped around my wrist and pulled me back up steady on my feet.  "You douche." 

He chuckled once, "I've been called worse," I pushed him off the side walk but of course with him being a vampire he caught himself.  

"I'd rather not call you all the words I am thinking." I rolled my eyes again and looked at my phone- 6:32 AM.

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