Chapter 31

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(This is back to Maya's POV)

I walked downstairs with Damon by my side and Klaus trailing me.  He didn't look too happy that I was paying my attention to Damon, but being honest I missed Damons' sassy humor.  We walked into the kitchen and Klaus had his arms behind him, good thing.  "How have you been?" Damon asked as he chuckled an apple at me, I caught it surprisingly.  "Pretty good when I wasn't casing you around." He chuckled "Of course you were," He took a drink from his scotch.  "Ain't it a little early to be drinking already?" He laughed "Every hour is drinking hour for me." Klaus rolled his eyes and walked into the living room.  "Of course it is."  Klaus walked in furious in seconds with his phone in hand, he began walking out the door.  "Klaus, Klaus hold it!" He stopped in his tracks, "What is it?" he asked frowning.  "Where the hell are you going?" His eyebrows furrowed "To save your life once again." I tilted my head slightly "What do you mean?"  "I have to go murder my ex." "Wait, What?! Why?" I quickly asked, "Well she plans her revenge on you for quote on quote 'Taking you from me'... and I believe that revenge will be on killing you- since she is a vampire." My eyes widened, "You've got to be kidding me." He smirked "Not at all, actually." "There has to be some other way around this besides killing her." Damon laughed behind me "Doesn't seem like another way, Maya.  Just let the dude do what he wants." Klaus nodded "For once I agree with Damon."  I groaned "Be careful." "Always am, love.  Damon make sure she doesn't do anything ruthless." I rolled my eyes "Says the one who is going to go murder his own ex." He kissed the top of my head "Because I'm the ruthless one," then vanished.  "I hate it when he does that." Damon rolled his eyes "Just leaves you?" I nodded "Well he is doing it to save your life, its probably hard for him just to leave you knowing your human and have no advantages against a vampire." I sighed "I guess you do have a point." I put the apple back into the bowl.  "Aren't you hungry?" He Asked "No, Not really." He sighed "Whats your issue?" I shrugged "Nothing." He groaned "You're a horrible liar." "Dammit." He chuckled once, "Alright.  Well what is your issue?" I shrugged "Klaus just risks everything for me - I wish I could do something in return for everything he has done for me." Damon smiled "You could turn into a vampire so then he wouldn't have to protect you as much." I stared at him, "What?" Turn into a vampire?  I haven't even thought about this... What will I do when I get old and Klaus stays his age for a million more years if I don't turn into a vampire...? "Turn yourself into a vampire, I'd be happy to help after what I did to you." I shook my head, "No, No.  I'd rather have Klaus turn me... or anyone in his family." "I see how it is, choosing favorites." I smiled "No, not at all.  Just rather have Klaus' family turn me, I mean they have turned many people in all their years - why not trust them?" Damon chuckled "Because you've known me longer?" I shrugged "You do have a point - why are we even talking about this?  I don't want to be a vampire until later in life." He frowned "When you're older than Klaus?" I glared at him "I'm younger than him." "Not for long." I rolled my eyes, "For multiple years." "Sure sure." He took another drink.  "I'd rather not have this conversation." He shrugged "You're going to have this conversation at some point - its either with me or someone else." I smiled "Someone else." He rolled his eyes "I don't like this conversation." I smirked "You started it." "Sadly." I sighed and walked up to my room, when I looked behind me there was Elijah.  "Isn't Damon Salvatore suppose to watch you?" I nodded "Yep, but I walked away.  I guess he didn't want to follow." He put his hands in his pockets "Wonderful, Looks like I have to watch you as well." I narrowed my eyes "As well?" He nodded "Hayley." I groaned "Great, I am not hanging out with her." He smiled "I'll make you." I glared at him "Don't you dare, I will give Klaus a bad review of you." Elijah chuckled "Go ahead, I'm older." "Klaus is more ruthless." Elijah smirked "I have to give you that." I smiled in myself winning the argument "Of course you do, I win." Elijah sighed in defeat.  "Fine." I nodded "Alright, just leave me in Klaus' and my room, lock the door and I'll be good." he chuckled "I doubt that." He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.  "Shit." I groaned, he laughed "Common, to the living room!" He said, I held back the laugh about to break through my mouth.  We were in the living room within a second, there was a large TV hooked to the wall.  "Wow." Elijah chuckled "Klaus wanted to keep you entertained when we're away hunting and such." I rolled my eyes "Of course." I sat down on the couch and began scrolling through the channels, "Where is Hayley?" Elijah laughed "Sleeping, I just wanted to see your expression." I rolled my eyes "Jerk." He sat elegantly and smiled.  I heard the door bust open, we both looked at the doorway.  "You must be Maya - I'm here to get my revenge."

From Author:

OoooooooOOOO SHIIITTT cliffhangerrrr..... This chapter was pretty interesting actually.  But I hope y'all liked it, if you liked it vote on it and add it to your library!  Thank you for reading chapter 31 of The Difference Between Us! 

Who is the ex?

Where is Klaus?
Will Maya choose to become a vampire sooner than she expected?

Will Elijah save the day?
Will Klaus' ex get her revenge?

Lots of Love~

xxoo Em


The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now