Chapter 15

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As I finished unpacking I looked at the clock quickly then turned my head back around.  "Did the clock just say 6:30?!" I gasped as I looked back at the clock, 5:30.  "Thank jesus," I groaned and fell onto the bed.  "Whats wrong, Love?" Klaus asked in the doorway, "N-nothing.  I just thought the time was different and I only had half an hour to get ready." I covered my face with my arm, trying to look tired.  "No, not that..." He walked over to the bed and sat down next to me.  "Did I do something?  You have been acting different sense Damon came to visit." I rolled my eyes "Klaus, you're worrying over nothing.  I haven't been acting different," He sighed "You didn't sleep on the car ride... You pretended to just to let go of my hand." I removed my hand from my face "Klaus-" he cut me off "Please just tell me what is going on," he pleaded.  I groaned and sat up to look at him in the face, "I'm just remembering everyone you've killed, everyone you've hurt." He put his hand to his forehead,  "I've changed." I sighed "I know you have... but it still just stays in the back of my head," "I haven't hurt anyone you love or any of your friends care for in a very long while..." He stated.  "Can't you see you bring out the good in me?" he asked.  "I can... But it still happened, Klaus." He grabbed my hand tightly, "Maya please forgive me for my past... I am a vampire after all..." I shrugged, feeling uncomfortable "I can forgive... but I can't forget..." I said to him, remembering I said that earlier.  "I'm sorry, Maya." I saw a tear about to fall down his cheek.  "Get over here," I wrapped my arms around him in a awkward position.  After a few moments I felt his arms wrap around me, I burred my face into his chest.  "I'm sorry for saying that, its a stupid reason to be treating you differently.  If you say you have changed I believe you." I said.  He hugged me tighter "Thank you, sweetheart."  I nodded against his chest then backed away.  "So are we going to the party with the same colors or not?" I asked smiling.  "Of course," he smiled back with his dimples showing.  "Well I don't know about you but it takes me a while to get ready so..." I stood up from the bed "Goodbye." I smiled shooing him away, he continued sitting.  I grabbed his wrists and tried to pull him off the bed but when he fell I fell along with him.  We both laughed loudly, "Look at what you did!" I said still laughing, he chuckled loudly.  "What I did?  You're the one trying to kick me out." I shrugged "Sucks to be you," we both stayed on the ground staring at the ceiling laughing.  "Oh really?" He asked with curiosity, "Yep!" I said laughing, within a second I was pinned to the ground with his arms and himself giving me half a smile.  "You still sure that its my fault?" I nodded with my laughter almost going muted.  "Of course, you stubborn girl." I smiled and shrugged "That's what you love best about me." "Well I do fancy you very much for your personality."   I smiled wider "That's a good thing," He nodded and kissed me softly, I wrapped my arms around him to keep the kiss from breaking.  I pulled away within a second realizing we just had a talk about him being a murderer-- he may have changed but still.  He stared at me with his eyes questioning why I pulled away, "Well we have to get ready at some point." I rolled my eyes and adding a half smile, "Very true," He sighed.  "Well I shall see you at the party, then." I nodded smiling.  He pecked a kiss on my cheek and left.  I blushed deeply and smiled.  No, no Maya.  Stop it, imagine how many people you will hurt if you fall for him again... then I thought:  Imagine how many people you would save keeping him from hurting all the innocent people.  I groaned, "Life is too complicated." I stayed on the floor, and eventually I got up to get ready.

Sorry this chapter is a little shorter, it is only because the next chapter will be longer than normal (:

The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now