Chapter 4

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^The picture is what her hair and dress and also makeup looks like btw not what she looks like lmao^

As we were in the store my phone buzzed "O.M.G what about this?!" Caroline said 

"Hang on," I pulled out my phone

Klaus: Dress fancy, Love.  We're going to a ball.
Maya: What?!

Klaus: :) You can complain later
Maya: KLAUS >:I
(Seen at 5:42)

"Fucks sake,"

 Caroline looked at me confused "What happened?"

 I sighed "Looks like I need a fancy dress."

 She jumped up and down slightly clapping her hands "Yay!!!" She sounded so excited then dragged me into the dress section

 "Oh no," I said as she pulled out the dress then she shoved me into the changing room with the dress.  As I was changing Klaus messaged me once more 

Klaus: Wear something red :)

Maya: Fine ._.

*****At the house getting ready*****

"Why this dress, Caroline!"

 She chuckled "Because it shows those curves you get from horse riding,"

 I sighed "But sweatshirts are more fun, could I just put on a large, red sweatshirt and call it good?"

She sighed and put her hands on my shoulders "No, now go get ready." She shoved me into my room and as I closed my door I heard Greyson tackle her "Greyson behave," I called through the door and then I heard Caroline get up swiftly.  I stripped down and pulled on the red dress "Ugh," then Caroline knocked on my door

 "You okay?  Just put on the damn dress." I opened the door and she gasped "I feel like one of those mothers who feel so proud about their daughter growing up!"

 I sighed "Calm down child, it is just a date." 

She clapped twice "To a fancy ball!"

 I stared at her "How did you know that?" She stared at me and guilt was all over her face "Okay I may have gone through your phone.  And why Klaus?!"

 I sighed "So I can rip his heart out in the middle of dancing." She stared at me with narrow eyes "No joke the only reason why I am going," I put my hands slightly in the air.  

She sighed "Fine," She grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the bathroom.

 "No, No make-up.  No hair," She pointed to the sink counter telling me to sit on it.  "Uggggggh" She left and came back within a second and when she came back she was holding a makeup case "What the fuck is that?" 

She giggled "Make-up!" 

I sighed "You're going to be the death of me."

 She laughed once more "I know, might as well make you look nice while you're killing Klaus." 

I shrugged "Fine fine fine."

*****After half an hour*****

As I looked in the mirror I was amazed "Caroline how did you do this?" I asked in shock.

 "Skills" She flipped her blonde hair and walked out at normal speed.  I followed her as she went through my dresser and found a old curling iron "Back to the bathroom!" She pointed me toward the bathroom and I walked to the bathroom as she followed.  I stood in the center of the bathroom as she did my hair, and when she finished there was massive curls "Okay okay hang on I will make this work."  I shrugged then she left and came back with a brush and began brushing the curls lightly.  That made them become wave-like.  "My god you're so pretty!" She said gushing.

 I sighed "Wait we didn't get shoes," I said.

 "Already got you covered," in a second she was back in her same spot but holding red 4 inch heels and I stared at her.

 "I am going to end up breaking my neck."

 She giggled "Just wear them for a bit and take them off when you go to dance if you can't handle it." 

I sighed "Fine..." I stared at my clock and it already said 7.  I ran to the door while holding my heels looking for him, then I heard a knock at my door.  I opened it swiftly to see Klaus standing there in a suit with a red tie and a red flower in hand.  "Red is your favorite color isn't it?" I asked sarcastically .

"Of course not, Black is." he chuckled once and I guided for him to enter and he just stood there, 

"Oh.. Sorry" I cleared my throat and said sarcastically "Come in Mr. Mikaelson" He stepped in smoothly and there stood Caroline 

"You get her home before midnight do you hear me?" She lectured.

 Klaus chuckled "Just because I kicked your love out of town does not mean you have to be mean." He did his best puppy dog face and I laughed quietly.  Caroline glared at us both then Klaus destroyed the silence by clearing his throat then saying "Shall we get going?" I nodded and he held his arm out to me and I wrapped my arm in his.

"I'm still planning on killing you later," I muttered to him knowing he'd hear.

 "I know," he chuckled  then he looked at me "You look ravishing if I haven't already said that..." He said and I blushed lightly.

 "Thanks douche."

 He chuckled more "You're welcome." Then I saw a limo in front of me.

"You didn't." I said looking at him.

 "I did," Then he opened the door for me.

"Oh my lord!" I gasped as I looked around inside the fancy limo and I heard him chuckling outside 

"Are you planning on getting to the ball tonight?"

 I shrugged "Sure why not." I said sarcastically. 

 "Ravishing." I heard him say quietly as if to himself as I climbed in.

"I heard that!" I said back at him.

 "Just another complement." he said.

 "Of course now you give me complements."

 He shrugged as he got settled in the limo "I do give complements... just in my head," He said then winked at me.  

"You should say them out loud more often, they sound great with your accent." I said laughing lightly.

 "Of course they do, Love."

 I smiled, "Like the word Love sounds great."

He shrugged, "Anything sounds great with my accent."

 I shoved his arm lightly "Nobody likes a cocky man, Nicklaus." I used his full name and he glared at me "Haha and that is how to get Nicklaus Mikaelson pissed off, ladies and gents!" 

He continued glaring at me "Yea yea you're so funny you should be a comedian"

 I shrugged "I've been thinking about it, will you come to my first show?"

 He smiled "Most defiantly, Love." and I smiled back.

The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now